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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Being "Scared" Of Poverty Will Lead You Right To It!

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt
meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according
to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous,
and then thou shalt have good success. (Joshua 1:8)

My friend, did you know that nothing brings a person so much suffering and humility as poverty?! Only those who have experienced poverty understand the full meaning of this. It is no wonder that people fear poverty. Through a long line of inherited experiences, man has learned that some people cannot be trusted where matters of money and earthly possessions are concerned. This is a rather stinging indictment of man, but it is true.

So eager are some people to possess wealth that they will acquire using whatever legal methods they can, but will use other less legal or ethical methods if necessary or expedient. The majority of people, if asked what they fear most, would reply, “I fear nothing.” This reply would be inaccurate, because few people realize that they are bound by fear in many ways. Face the facts squarely. Ask yourself definite questions and demand direct replies.

It’s time to realize your fear of poverty.

My friend, if you do not feel that you can be an impartial judge in this self-examination, call upon someone who knows you well to serve as judge while you cross-examine yourself. You are after the truth. Get it, no matter the cost, even though it may temporarily embarrass you!

Fear will only cripple your success.

Some allow pride to cause them to reject the path God has chosen for them to walk. Others receive the Word, but through fear and doubt, are letting the devil keep them in a cold, damp boat, thinking they are safe when they could be walking on water with Jesus! Here’s a sacred secret of life that you must discover: The only way to make a Prophet sent from the Lord trustworthy, is to trust him. This is your season to trust the path that God is creating for your life. This is your season to say, “I Believe the Prophet”, because the spirit of distrust is simply the tyranny’s disease in this season.

You are not a child of poverty, only a child of GOD!

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