And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. (Colossians 3:15)
My friend, did you know that in our country, people are unhappy? There is a spirit of discontent permeating our society. Think about that for a moment. Did you know that the average poor household in America has more living space than the average individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens and other cities throughout Europe? In our country, nearly 75% of the households considered poor own a car; 30% own two or more cars; 97% percent have a color television; and over 50% own two or more color televisions.
These are households described by our government as being “poor”, and yet the poor in this country are better off than the majority of people in the rest of the world. In spite of living in one of the most blessed nations in the world, there is a spirit of discontent in our land. How right the poet who said, “As a rule, man’s a fool. When it’s hot, he wants it cool. And when it’s cool, he wants it hot, always wanting what is not.” Philippians 4:11 says,
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”
My friend, content means being satisfied, NOT just accepting! If you are content with being in the same situation you were in last year, maybe you don’t need a fresh word from the Lord; but if you are not about to accept your reality as the only reality for you, then it is time to move in faith action. Paul said he learned to be content. First my friend, I want you to know that contentment must be learned. It isn’t something you are born with. It is something that is learned.
Contentment is not something that comes naturally. Paul said that he had to "learn to be content". Naturally, we are prone to compare ourselves with others, to always want more than we have (remember Adam and Eve?), to interpret someone else’s good fortune as coming at our expense, and to complain.
Stop looking at your have-nots and thank God… for being God!
My friend, you must learn to trust the overruling providence of God. Read the story of Joseph. Nothing is an accident. These things happen according to the providence of God. “Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” (Psalm 73:25-26) It really seems that contentment begins to grow when you come to understand that your greatest treasure is your relationship with the Savior.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of the earth will grow strangely dim. In the light of His glory and grace, He has sent you seven angels to help you. This is your season to restore the faith in the buried treasure within you: your relationship with God.
Thank God with a seed of faith!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Where Is God In The Recession...God Has Not Forsaken You!
And he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life… (Ruth 4:15)
My friend, in these tough, financial times you might find yourself struggling, wondering if God is aware of what is going on. Does God realize the challenges you are facing as you wonder if you will have your job tomorrow, if you are going to be able to continue to live as you have grown accustomed, if you are going to be able to adjust to the challenges of having less money than you had in the past to live on?
In the book of Hebrews, you will find a few answers to these questions;
“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.”
My friend, first of all, where is God in a recession? God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” God continues to be at our side guiding us, guarding us, and keeping us every moment of our lives on earth. Secondly, what is God’s advice to us as we face the challenges of a recession? He is the one who led the writer to the Hebrews to say to us, “Keep your lives free from the LOVE of money and be content with what you have.” Think about it. You normally only worry about things you love.
Have you come to the point where a love of money has transpired into unhealthy worry? Contentment is one of the gifts God gives us through faith in Jesus, our Savior. We can be content knowing that although God wants you to be perfect and without sin, and still we sin every day — yet through Jesus we are forgiven and are co-Creators with Him. The love of money is one of the challenges of the natural world that causes you to be distracted from this truth and discontented with life.
As a co-Creator, there is no need to worry about money!
Praise God that He has said “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” During difficult economic times, He will help you focus on the main reason for this life, namely having the treasure of knowing Him. He will convince you that because of Him, you can live with the assurance that He is still by your side, guiding, guarding, and providing what you really need.
God is with you always even in this Recession!
My friend, in these tough, financial times you might find yourself struggling, wondering if God is aware of what is going on. Does God realize the challenges you are facing as you wonder if you will have your job tomorrow, if you are going to be able to continue to live as you have grown accustomed, if you are going to be able to adjust to the challenges of having less money than you had in the past to live on?
In the book of Hebrews, you will find a few answers to these questions;
“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.”
My friend, first of all, where is God in a recession? God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” God continues to be at our side guiding us, guarding us, and keeping us every moment of our lives on earth. Secondly, what is God’s advice to us as we face the challenges of a recession? He is the one who led the writer to the Hebrews to say to us, “Keep your lives free from the LOVE of money and be content with what you have.” Think about it. You normally only worry about things you love.
Have you come to the point where a love of money has transpired into unhealthy worry? Contentment is one of the gifts God gives us through faith in Jesus, our Savior. We can be content knowing that although God wants you to be perfect and without sin, and still we sin every day — yet through Jesus we are forgiven and are co-Creators with Him. The love of money is one of the challenges of the natural world that causes you to be distracted from this truth and discontented with life.
As a co-Creator, there is no need to worry about money!
Praise God that He has said “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” During difficult economic times, He will help you focus on the main reason for this life, namely having the treasure of knowing Him. He will convince you that because of Him, you can live with the assurance that He is still by your side, guiding, guarding, and providing what you really need.
God is with you always even in this Recession!
What You Confess- You Undress!
And it shall be, when he shall be guilty in one of these things, that he shall confess that he hath sinned in that thing. (Leviticus 5:5)
My friend, don’t you know so many have been affected by the recession? People have lost their jobs and are working hard to follow Christ in a difficult season of life. I know that this is a time when we must come together for a time of encouragement and counsel. As I read the Word, I discovered three ways those affected by this recession can address their trial with a biblical worldview:
First, confess anxiety. To be anxious is to be nervous or worried about the future. Being anxious can consume our lives. One minister remember towards the end of his schooling in seminary, sitting and listening to a sermon but not really listening. His mind was overcome with questions about the future: “Where will he be a year from now, what will he be doing, and how will God provide for his family?”
We know from Scripture that, “an anxious heart weighs a man down” (Proverbs 12:25). We know that David prayed, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts” (Psalm 139:23). We should not be weighed down by anxiety. We should repent of it with a robust conviction that God will not fail us. Where do we start? Confess anxiety and you will start to “undress” it at the very root.
You start to “undress” what you confess!
Second, embrace responsibility.Paul instructed Timothy, “If anyone does not provide for his relatives and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Timothy 5:8). Embrace responsibility.
Third, expect difficulty but not failure. Work is hard. Looking for work is hard. Life is hard. One of the great things about being a Believer is we know why this is the case. Judgment came when sin entered the world through Adam’s sin.
God decreed then and there that work would be hard: “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life” (Genesis 3:17). We have no reason to think that keeping a job will be easy and we have every reason to believe that finding a job will be hard. At least we understand why. We live in a fallen world where crops don’t grow without hard labor and where jobs aren’t kept or found without toil.
Give your service in this season!
A godly provider provides spiritually for his family. Paul explained to the church in Ephesus, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish” (Ephesians 5:25-27).
If you are unemployed right now you may not be able to put money in the bank account. You should be actively looking for work or giving your service. You can lead your family to pursue Christ passionately, in thick and thin, in employment and unemployment. You can provide an amazing example of faith for your family. In the light of His glory and grace, He has sent you angels to help you. This is your season to start to restore the faith in the buried treasure within you: your relationship with God.
God is with you always even in this Recession!
My friend, don’t you know so many have been affected by the recession? People have lost their jobs and are working hard to follow Christ in a difficult season of life. I know that this is a time when we must come together for a time of encouragement and counsel. As I read the Word, I discovered three ways those affected by this recession can address their trial with a biblical worldview:
First, confess anxiety. To be anxious is to be nervous or worried about the future. Being anxious can consume our lives. One minister remember towards the end of his schooling in seminary, sitting and listening to a sermon but not really listening. His mind was overcome with questions about the future: “Where will he be a year from now, what will he be doing, and how will God provide for his family?”
We know from Scripture that, “an anxious heart weighs a man down” (Proverbs 12:25). We know that David prayed, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts” (Psalm 139:23). We should not be weighed down by anxiety. We should repent of it with a robust conviction that God will not fail us. Where do we start? Confess anxiety and you will start to “undress” it at the very root.
You start to “undress” what you confess!
Second, embrace responsibility.Paul instructed Timothy, “If anyone does not provide for his relatives and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Timothy 5:8). Embrace responsibility.
Third, expect difficulty but not failure. Work is hard. Looking for work is hard. Life is hard. One of the great things about being a Believer is we know why this is the case. Judgment came when sin entered the world through Adam’s sin.
God decreed then and there that work would be hard: “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life” (Genesis 3:17). We have no reason to think that keeping a job will be easy and we have every reason to believe that finding a job will be hard. At least we understand why. We live in a fallen world where crops don’t grow without hard labor and where jobs aren’t kept or found without toil.
Give your service in this season!
A godly provider provides spiritually for his family. Paul explained to the church in Ephesus, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish” (Ephesians 5:25-27).
If you are unemployed right now you may not be able to put money in the bank account. You should be actively looking for work or giving your service. You can lead your family to pursue Christ passionately, in thick and thin, in employment and unemployment. You can provide an amazing example of faith for your family. In the light of His glory and grace, He has sent you angels to help you. This is your season to start to restore the faith in the buried treasure within you: your relationship with God.
God is with you always even in this Recession!
God Can Bring Victory To Anyone!
Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God… (Romans 6:13)
My friend, did you know that in the past year the Dow Jones has seen a thirty-five percent decline, resulting in a 10 trillion dollar loss? This current economic meltdown is affecting the lives of tens of millions of Americans, leaving me to wonder… Is God is using the economy to judge this nation for its financial sins?
You should know that God will use the economy as a form of judgment on the nation for its sins. There may be no man-made solutions to the economic problem because, at its core, the crisis is really a spiritual issue. When a nation is not identified as a giving one, it can only reap a takers’ reward. That reward is calamity, depression, famine and financial drought. My friend, judgment sometimes comes as a calamity inflicted by God in this world because of sin. This judgment has come upon individuals and upon nations.
The Bible declares there is a "day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him (Jesus) from the dead." (Acts 17:31)
One by one, we must start the process of repenting!
The Bible says, “Wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men…" (2 Corinthians 5:9-11)
My friend, in order to defeat the visitation of recession upon your doorstep, you must labor before Christ and repent for your sins whether physical, emotional or financial. Every moment that God calls you to give, is a moment to prove Him in your life. Stop identifying with the effects of this recession by declaring that you don’t have anything. If that is the truth of you, then the recession will be your manifestation. People tend to keep what they feel like they are about to lose. I believe firmly one must GIVE and it shall be given, but what one KEEPS one will ultimately LOSE!
Don’t recess in the midst of this recession!
In the light of His glory and grace, God has sent you seven angels to restore you. Don’t take recess in your giving or you will start to feel this recession. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to start to defeat this recession, one person at a time.
Trust God in the midst of economic meltdown!
My friend, did you know that in the past year the Dow Jones has seen a thirty-five percent decline, resulting in a 10 trillion dollar loss? This current economic meltdown is affecting the lives of tens of millions of Americans, leaving me to wonder… Is God is using the economy to judge this nation for its financial sins?
You should know that God will use the economy as a form of judgment on the nation for its sins. There may be no man-made solutions to the economic problem because, at its core, the crisis is really a spiritual issue. When a nation is not identified as a giving one, it can only reap a takers’ reward. That reward is calamity, depression, famine and financial drought. My friend, judgment sometimes comes as a calamity inflicted by God in this world because of sin. This judgment has come upon individuals and upon nations.
The Bible declares there is a "day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him (Jesus) from the dead." (Acts 17:31)
One by one, we must start the process of repenting!
The Bible says, “Wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men…" (2 Corinthians 5:9-11)
My friend, in order to defeat the visitation of recession upon your doorstep, you must labor before Christ and repent for your sins whether physical, emotional or financial. Every moment that God calls you to give, is a moment to prove Him in your life. Stop identifying with the effects of this recession by declaring that you don’t have anything. If that is the truth of you, then the recession will be your manifestation. People tend to keep what they feel like they are about to lose. I believe firmly one must GIVE and it shall be given, but what one KEEPS one will ultimately LOSE!
Don’t recess in the midst of this recession!
In the light of His glory and grace, God has sent you seven angels to restore you. Don’t take recess in your giving or you will start to feel this recession. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to start to defeat this recession, one person at a time.
Trust God in the midst of economic meltdown!
The Tithe: The Gateway Out Of The Recession- God Has Already Prepared An Abundance For You!
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. (Matthew 5:17-18)
My friend, what is the tithe? It is the "gateway for the believer into the covenant of blessings." In the Hebrew "maaser" or "maasrah," is translated tenth, or tenth part, and in Greek "apodekatoo" and in both, it means a payment or giving or receiving of the tenth.
The tithe is that tenth of our income that we give to God, which enables Him to move on our behalf in the area of blessings. The Bible records numerous accounts of man tithing to God. God is the creator of everything that exists. He owns everything and we are simply stewards of what we have been entrusted with. The tithe principle is this: He gives unto us, we give back to Him one-tenth of all that He has blessed us with.
Are you following the tithe principle?
Abraham tithed unto Melchizedek, Isaac tithed, his son Jacob tithed and many others also, even before the law was given concerning tithing. Many Christians do not tithe because they have been taught that they are not under the law, but under grace. While this is a true statement, God did not institute the tithe to bring us under the law, but to get blessings to His children.
Abraham tithed before the law, and God blessed him supernaturally. We're under grace that we might establish the law, not turn from it. Jesus said that He didn't come to do away with the law, but to fulfill it. Because He fulfilled it, we are to establish it. His Words are forever settled in heaven; therefore we establish His Words upon the earth.
One-tenth of EVERYTHING belongs to God!
This scripture states that the tithe, whether it be seed of the land, fruit of the tree, or one tenth of all that you earn, is holy unto the Lord. Deuteronomy 14:22-29 states that one-tenth of all that comes into your possession, belongs to God. This was God's plan to instruct His people as to the way of blessings that He had for them.
God is a multiplier by nature, but He cannot multiply that which is not entrusted to Him. When the children of Israel were obedient and gave back to God that which was His, increase was guaranteed. Scripture states, “It's better to be obedient than to sacrifice.” When the children of Israel were obedient, blessings came; when they were disobedient, they had to sacrifice.
The tithe will lead you out of the recession – today!
1 Samuel 15:22: "And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to know that obedience is so much better than sacrifice.
Trust God, and forget your circumstances!
My friend, what is the tithe? It is the "gateway for the believer into the covenant of blessings." In the Hebrew "maaser" or "maasrah," is translated tenth, or tenth part, and in Greek "apodekatoo" and in both, it means a payment or giving or receiving of the tenth.
The tithe is that tenth of our income that we give to God, which enables Him to move on our behalf in the area of blessings. The Bible records numerous accounts of man tithing to God. God is the creator of everything that exists. He owns everything and we are simply stewards of what we have been entrusted with. The tithe principle is this: He gives unto us, we give back to Him one-tenth of all that He has blessed us with.
Are you following the tithe principle?
Abraham tithed unto Melchizedek, Isaac tithed, his son Jacob tithed and many others also, even before the law was given concerning tithing. Many Christians do not tithe because they have been taught that they are not under the law, but under grace. While this is a true statement, God did not institute the tithe to bring us under the law, but to get blessings to His children.
Abraham tithed before the law, and God blessed him supernaturally. We're under grace that we might establish the law, not turn from it. Jesus said that He didn't come to do away with the law, but to fulfill it. Because He fulfilled it, we are to establish it. His Words are forever settled in heaven; therefore we establish His Words upon the earth.
One-tenth of EVERYTHING belongs to God!
This scripture states that the tithe, whether it be seed of the land, fruit of the tree, or one tenth of all that you earn, is holy unto the Lord. Deuteronomy 14:22-29 states that one-tenth of all that comes into your possession, belongs to God. This was God's plan to instruct His people as to the way of blessings that He had for them.
God is a multiplier by nature, but He cannot multiply that which is not entrusted to Him. When the children of Israel were obedient and gave back to God that which was His, increase was guaranteed. Scripture states, “It's better to be obedient than to sacrifice.” When the children of Israel were obedient, blessings came; when they were disobedient, they had to sacrifice.
The tithe will lead you out of the recession – today!
1 Samuel 15:22: "And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to know that obedience is so much better than sacrifice.
Trust God, and forget your circumstances!
Giving: The Answer To Your Money Problems!
Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. (Luke 6:38)
My friend, if you are having problems in the area of your finances, you need to examine God's Word as to what He says about money and then line up with that Word. Are you handling your money wisely? Are you following the principle of seedtime and harvest? True wisdom comes from God and the Bible has divine teaching and revelation about money problems as well as direction for all your circumstances.
So many people today are having financial problems. Even wealthy men are concerned they will lose their riches because of inflation and the worth of the dollar dropping daily. Stock markets around the world have been unstable. People are contemplating bankruptcy and even suicide due to such heavy money pressures. Many marriages are also under extreme stress and the divorce rate has risen due to unresolved financial difficulties.
Don’t give in to the pressure!
My friend, a diamond is simply a lump of coal that did well under pressure. Is there an answer to all the money problems? Yes and yes! The Bible has the answer to this problem as well as all others that you may face.
As Believers, we are promised the blessings of God, not the curses of the devil. The promise of prosperity and blessing belongs to us, not the curse of poverty and fear.Galatians 3:13-14 says, "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith."
Giving is your commitment to the Lord.
A total commitment to God is the very first step to financial blessings. However, there are many Christians who still have not gained the victory in finances due to other principles in God's Word that they have not been taught or which have been ignored. This is the season to study your Bible and learn how to operate in God’s economic system.
Claim victory in your finances!
My friend, if you are having problems in the area of your finances, you need to examine God's Word as to what He says about money and then line up with that Word. Are you handling your money wisely? Are you following the principle of seedtime and harvest? True wisdom comes from God and the Bible has divine teaching and revelation about money problems as well as direction for all your circumstances.
So many people today are having financial problems. Even wealthy men are concerned they will lose their riches because of inflation and the worth of the dollar dropping daily. Stock markets around the world have been unstable. People are contemplating bankruptcy and even suicide due to such heavy money pressures. Many marriages are also under extreme stress and the divorce rate has risen due to unresolved financial difficulties.
Don’t give in to the pressure!
My friend, a diamond is simply a lump of coal that did well under pressure. Is there an answer to all the money problems? Yes and yes! The Bible has the answer to this problem as well as all others that you may face.
As Believers, we are promised the blessings of God, not the curses of the devil. The promise of prosperity and blessing belongs to us, not the curse of poverty and fear.Galatians 3:13-14 says, "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith."
Giving is your commitment to the Lord.
A total commitment to God is the very first step to financial blessings. However, there are many Christians who still have not gained the victory in finances due to other principles in God's Word that they have not been taught or which have been ignored. This is the season to study your Bible and learn how to operate in God’s economic system.
Claim victory in your finances!
Comfort Will Only Kick You Out Of Destiny!
Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.(Genesis 32:28)
My friend, what do most people want? Most people want comfortable circumstances. It is normal to pursue things that are familiar to you because comfort can reduce the stress of decision making. It can remove the friction and discomfort of making new friends. It can make life far easier. However, comfort is death to creativity. It can destroy potential. It can neutralize the force called multiplication and increase. Comfortable people achieve little.
It is uncomfortable people who produce miraculous changes in every generation. It is uncomfortable people who create the currents that change the very world we live in. In the Bible, Ruth was willing to relocate geographically. She was willing to disconnect from her kinfolks. She was willing to go in a direction she had never been and experience discomfort... forfeiting the ease of old friendships in order to birth one of the greatest chapters and beginnings of any generation in history.
Become an extraordinary champion!
My friend, notice the extraordinary champions in the Scriptures who made geographical changes that birthed their entry into greatness. Moses had to leave the comfort of the palace to enter the school of the wilderness. Daniel was taken into captivity, away from his homeland, for his great gifts to flourish. Joseph was sold into slavery, away from the comfort of his loving father, Jacob; then he was catapulted and promoted to be prime minister of Egypt.
Comfort will only keep you from destiny!
In this season, the angels of the Lord are here to help launch you out of your realm of comfort and into your destiny. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to know that comfort has never enriched the world as much as adversity has.
Stop looking for comfort and start moving towards destiny!
My friend, what do most people want? Most people want comfortable circumstances. It is normal to pursue things that are familiar to you because comfort can reduce the stress of decision making. It can remove the friction and discomfort of making new friends. It can make life far easier. However, comfort is death to creativity. It can destroy potential. It can neutralize the force called multiplication and increase. Comfortable people achieve little.
It is uncomfortable people who produce miraculous changes in every generation. It is uncomfortable people who create the currents that change the very world we live in. In the Bible, Ruth was willing to relocate geographically. She was willing to disconnect from her kinfolks. She was willing to go in a direction she had never been and experience discomfort... forfeiting the ease of old friendships in order to birth one of the greatest chapters and beginnings of any generation in history.
Become an extraordinary champion!
My friend, notice the extraordinary champions in the Scriptures who made geographical changes that birthed their entry into greatness. Moses had to leave the comfort of the palace to enter the school of the wilderness. Daniel was taken into captivity, away from his homeland, for his great gifts to flourish. Joseph was sold into slavery, away from the comfort of his loving father, Jacob; then he was catapulted and promoted to be prime minister of Egypt.
Comfort will only keep you from destiny!
In this season, the angels of the Lord are here to help launch you out of your realm of comfort and into your destiny. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to know that comfort has never enriched the world as much as adversity has.
Stop looking for comfort and start moving towards destiny!
Harness Your Mind- What You Think Of Yourself..Is What You Become!
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…(Proverbs 23:7)
My friend, the saying, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” not only embraces the whole of a man's being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.
As the plant springs from and could not be withoutthe seed, so every act of a man springs from the hidden seeds of thought, and could not have appeared without them. This applies equally to thoseacts called "spontaneous" and "unpremeditated," asto those which are deliberately executed.
Discover the hidden seeds of thought!
My friend, your thoughts are free and subject to no rule. With them rests your physical, emotional and financial freedom. They tower above the light of nature, create a new heaven, a new firmament, and a new source of energy from which new arts flow. So you must be careful how you think when it comes to your finances. It is not the lack of finances which keeps one from giving, but rather it is the lack of faith. Failure to give, be it tithes or offerings, is a failure of your faith.
Don’t short-change yourself!
In this season, the angels of the Lord are here to help you. You must not short-change yourself by thinking that you are a part of this recession. The miracle of the seedtime and harvest is not available by affirmation; it is only available by action. This is your season to watch for the signs and to put forth the mental action that will create the reality you desire. Who you think you are, is who you become.
Allow your mind to shape the righteous truth of you!
My friend, the saying, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” not only embraces the whole of a man's being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.
As the plant springs from and could not be withoutthe seed, so every act of a man springs from the hidden seeds of thought, and could not have appeared without them. This applies equally to thoseacts called "spontaneous" and "unpremeditated," asto those which are deliberately executed.
Discover the hidden seeds of thought!
My friend, your thoughts are free and subject to no rule. With them rests your physical, emotional and financial freedom. They tower above the light of nature, create a new heaven, a new firmament, and a new source of energy from which new arts flow. So you must be careful how you think when it comes to your finances. It is not the lack of finances which keeps one from giving, but rather it is the lack of faith. Failure to give, be it tithes or offerings, is a failure of your faith.
Don’t short-change yourself!
In this season, the angels of the Lord are here to help you. You must not short-change yourself by thinking that you are a part of this recession. The miracle of the seedtime and harvest is not available by affirmation; it is only available by action. This is your season to watch for the signs and to put forth the mental action that will create the reality you desire. Who you think you are, is who you become.
Allow your mind to shape the righteous truth of you!
Praising God Will Invoke Change!
I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. (2 Samuel 22:4)
My friend, do you know that desire is the proof that your visions exist? Things that you could never perceive with your natural eyes are ever in your mind, because Spirit has the unusual ability to make the invisible become visible to you.
To the onlooker who does not understand the power of meditation, they’ll look at you and wonder what in the world you are praising God for. They will look at your present conditions and where you are right now in your life financially, emotionally and with your relationships, and then believe that you should be in a depression rather than in a praising state of mind.
Your praise will repel a negative outcome!
My friend, what they may not realize is that people who meditate on God’s Word never wait to praise God after manifestation has come. They never delay their praise. You praise God in advance, knowing deep within that what you meditated upon will come to pass. When it looks like you should be heavy in your Spirit, God gives you the garment of praise in exchange for your heaviness.
Wear your garment of praise!
In this season, the ultimate goal here is that like Jesus, you must become the Word made flesh. But that transformation can only be manufactured in the minefields of your sustained thoughts. This is your season to watch for the signs and to know that the more you praise God and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
Praise changes things!
My friend, do you know that desire is the proof that your visions exist? Things that you could never perceive with your natural eyes are ever in your mind, because Spirit has the unusual ability to make the invisible become visible to you.
To the onlooker who does not understand the power of meditation, they’ll look at you and wonder what in the world you are praising God for. They will look at your present conditions and where you are right now in your life financially, emotionally and with your relationships, and then believe that you should be in a depression rather than in a praising state of mind.
Your praise will repel a negative outcome!
My friend, what they may not realize is that people who meditate on God’s Word never wait to praise God after manifestation has come. They never delay their praise. You praise God in advance, knowing deep within that what you meditated upon will come to pass. When it looks like you should be heavy in your Spirit, God gives you the garment of praise in exchange for your heaviness.
Wear your garment of praise!
In this season, the ultimate goal here is that like Jesus, you must become the Word made flesh. But that transformation can only be manufactured in the minefields of your sustained thoughts. This is your season to watch for the signs and to know that the more you praise God and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
Praise changes things!
Your Judas Is Your Path To Greatness!
Thy right hand, O LORD, is become glorious in power: thy right hand, O LORD, hath dashed in pieces the enemy. (Exodus 15:6)
My friend, you will be surprised who Judas is. In the house of the Lord, there is a select group that is set in that local house to be the catalysts for destiny. They will say, “I’m of the faithful priesthood,” but when you start to look at their actions later, you will find that they are of the priesthood of Judas.
I used to say, “I want to grab Judas. If I discern it prophetically I am going to put them out.” The Lord let me know that there are some Judas’ that need to stick around. They help you fulfill your purpose in God. Jesus would have never made it to the cross and the dream would never have been fulfilled if Judas did not enter into his priesthood.
Where there is a Judas, there is a destiny!
My friend, wherever there is a Judas, there is a destiny to be fulfilled. You must write this sacred truth upon your heart, because there will be times that you may feel outweighed, heavy and depressed. Don’t despair! Your setback is nothing more than a setup for a comeback! Your Judas will sow a malignant seed of discord to try to wreck havoc on the harvest of the Lord.
The Word of the Lord can expose your Judas!
If that devil isn’t exposed, that evil will stay dormant in your house. He will have a hard time being joined in togetherness. Judas always has the opportunity to repent, yet because of his rebellious nature he will usually refuse to submit to correction and will choose the path of rejection. This is your season to watch for the signs and to know that your Judas is nothing more than your path to greatness.
Who is sowing the seeds of discord around you?
My friend, you will be surprised who Judas is. In the house of the Lord, there is a select group that is set in that local house to be the catalysts for destiny. They will say, “I’m of the faithful priesthood,” but when you start to look at their actions later, you will find that they are of the priesthood of Judas.
I used to say, “I want to grab Judas. If I discern it prophetically I am going to put them out.” The Lord let me know that there are some Judas’ that need to stick around. They help you fulfill your purpose in God. Jesus would have never made it to the cross and the dream would never have been fulfilled if Judas did not enter into his priesthood.
Where there is a Judas, there is a destiny!
My friend, wherever there is a Judas, there is a destiny to be fulfilled. You must write this sacred truth upon your heart, because there will be times that you may feel outweighed, heavy and depressed. Don’t despair! Your setback is nothing more than a setup for a comeback! Your Judas will sow a malignant seed of discord to try to wreck havoc on the harvest of the Lord.
The Word of the Lord can expose your Judas!
If that devil isn’t exposed, that evil will stay dormant in your house. He will have a hard time being joined in togetherness. Judas always has the opportunity to repent, yet because of his rebellious nature he will usually refuse to submit to correction and will choose the path of rejection. This is your season to watch for the signs and to know that your Judas is nothing more than your path to greatness.
Who is sowing the seeds of discord around you?
Don't Make Bad Habits Your Habitat!
The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD… under whose wings thou art come to trust. (Ruth 2:12)
My friend, did you know that in the back of many vicious habits there is an unconscious desire to escape the realities of everyday life? People who feel unable to cope with difficult situations as they arise have an unconscious longing to escape such situations. Their thoughts turn inward rather than outward, creating all types of morbid reactions, and in many instances actually controlling the entire habit life of the individual.
A realization that Spirit is not bound by any destructive desire or necessity will generally loosen the hold wrong habits have on the individual. To declare one's freedom from undesirable habits, to declare that the Truth within is supreme and that we desire nothing which can harm us… that is the pathway to freedom from these habits.
Free yourself from your bad habits!
My friend, you do not treat the habit. You treat, rather, your sense of bondage to such a habit. You treat to know that you are conscious of a full and complete expression of Spirit within you. You must know that the Spirit within you is happy and satisfied; it is already expressed.
Always treat to remove any sense of inferiority on your part. Know that you are not to escape from anything, to run away from anything, to avoid anything. You meet each and every issue of the day with complete composure, with calm trust and with an abiding faith in the Divine within you. Know that you are greater than any circumstance or situation which you can possibly meet.
You are bigger than any circumstance!
My friend, your thoughts, imagination, feelings, will and consciousness are free. You are conscious of this and the Truth is conscious of it. This is your season to watch for signs and to know that your habits are not people, places, or things; have no location; cannot function; are not cause, medium, or effect; and are not law, process, or order. Being nothing and being seen to be nothing, there is nothing left to react. Therefore, it no longer has any power over this man.
Your habits are not real until you give them power!
Don’t live in the habitat of your habits!
My friend, did you know that in the back of many vicious habits there is an unconscious desire to escape the realities of everyday life? People who feel unable to cope with difficult situations as they arise have an unconscious longing to escape such situations. Their thoughts turn inward rather than outward, creating all types of morbid reactions, and in many instances actually controlling the entire habit life of the individual.
A realization that Spirit is not bound by any destructive desire or necessity will generally loosen the hold wrong habits have on the individual. To declare one's freedom from undesirable habits, to declare that the Truth within is supreme and that we desire nothing which can harm us… that is the pathway to freedom from these habits.
Free yourself from your bad habits!
My friend, you do not treat the habit. You treat, rather, your sense of bondage to such a habit. You treat to know that you are conscious of a full and complete expression of Spirit within you. You must know that the Spirit within you is happy and satisfied; it is already expressed.
Always treat to remove any sense of inferiority on your part. Know that you are not to escape from anything, to run away from anything, to avoid anything. You meet each and every issue of the day with complete composure, with calm trust and with an abiding faith in the Divine within you. Know that you are greater than any circumstance or situation which you can possibly meet.
You are bigger than any circumstance!
My friend, your thoughts, imagination, feelings, will and consciousness are free. You are conscious of this and the Truth is conscious of it. This is your season to watch for signs and to know that your habits are not people, places, or things; have no location; cannot function; are not cause, medium, or effect; and are not law, process, or order. Being nothing and being seen to be nothing, there is nothing left to react. Therefore, it no longer has any power over this man.
Your habits are not real until you give them power!
Don’t live in the habitat of your habits!
There Is Power In Your Words- What You Say Is What You Get!
And I will be with thy mouth… and will teach you what ye shall do. (Exodus 4:15)
My friend, do you know that your word is your awareness, your feeling and your conviction? Psychologically, it is the union of the conscious and subconscious mind. The moment you accept the power and truth of it completely without reservation, the healing or breakthrough that you are praying for takes place.
Go into your “mental” temple!
You must go boldly into your mental temple, which means the temple of your mind. You need to prepare yourself mentally by gathering your thoughts together and rehearsing in your mind the truths about God’s promises for your life. Become like Jesus now and begin to be full of faith and confidence as you enter the realm of your mind, giving no power to symptoms, circumstances or mental blocks.
Reject completely the verdict and opinions of those around you. Do this emphatically and with a sense of inner knowing. Know that you have the authority to speak the word. Feel and know that your thought is authoritative inasmuch as it is the Infinite thinking through you.
Create the freedom you want by speaking it forth!
Words create impressions, images and expectations. They build psychological connections. They influence how we think. Since thoughts determine actions, there's a powerful connection between the words we use and the results we get. Allow the angels to help you speak forth righteousness. This is your season to watch for the signs and to know that poorly chosen words can kill enthusiasm, impact self-esteem, lower expectations and hold you back.
Watch what you speak forth!
My friend, do you know that your word is your awareness, your feeling and your conviction? Psychologically, it is the union of the conscious and subconscious mind. The moment you accept the power and truth of it completely without reservation, the healing or breakthrough that you are praying for takes place.
Go into your “mental” temple!
You must go boldly into your mental temple, which means the temple of your mind. You need to prepare yourself mentally by gathering your thoughts together and rehearsing in your mind the truths about God’s promises for your life. Become like Jesus now and begin to be full of faith and confidence as you enter the realm of your mind, giving no power to symptoms, circumstances or mental blocks.
Reject completely the verdict and opinions of those around you. Do this emphatically and with a sense of inner knowing. Know that you have the authority to speak the word. Feel and know that your thought is authoritative inasmuch as it is the Infinite thinking through you.
Create the freedom you want by speaking it forth!
Words create impressions, images and expectations. They build psychological connections. They influence how we think. Since thoughts determine actions, there's a powerful connection between the words we use and the results we get. Allow the angels to help you speak forth righteousness. This is your season to watch for the signs and to know that poorly chosen words can kill enthusiasm, impact self-esteem, lower expectations and hold you back.
Watch what you speak forth!
Your Mind Is Your Most Powerful Weapon!
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (Jeremiah 29:11)
My friend, did you know that man is made or unmade by his own thoughts? In the armory of thought, he either forges the weapons by which he destroys himself, or he fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy, strength and peace. By making the right choices and the true application of thought, you can ascend to the Divine Perfection.
What happens when you use your thoughts against you?
Just as you can ascend to the heights, by the abuse and wrong application of thought, you can descend below the level of Divine Perfection and create turmoil and distress in your life.
My friend, of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul which have been restored and brought to light in this age, none is more gladdening or fruitful of divine promise and confidence than this — you are a master of thought, the molder of character, and the maker and shaper of condition, environment, and destiny!
You are Divine Mind!
As a being of Divine power, intelligence and love, and the lord of your own thoughts, you hold the very key to every situation; you contain within yourself the power to transform your world to include all the things you desire. You are Divine Mind because God has given you just that!
My friend, only by searching and mining are gold and diamonds obtained! You must find the gold and silver in your thinking. God has sent you 7 wonderful angels that are committed to your development. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to find every truth connected with your being. Dig deep into the soul of your thoughts!
Transform your world through your thoughts!
My friend, did you know that man is made or unmade by his own thoughts? In the armory of thought, he either forges the weapons by which he destroys himself, or he fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy, strength and peace. By making the right choices and the true application of thought, you can ascend to the Divine Perfection.
What happens when you use your thoughts against you?
Just as you can ascend to the heights, by the abuse and wrong application of thought, you can descend below the level of Divine Perfection and create turmoil and distress in your life.
My friend, of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul which have been restored and brought to light in this age, none is more gladdening or fruitful of divine promise and confidence than this — you are a master of thought, the molder of character, and the maker and shaper of condition, environment, and destiny!
You are Divine Mind!
As a being of Divine power, intelligence and love, and the lord of your own thoughts, you hold the very key to every situation; you contain within yourself the power to transform your world to include all the things you desire. You are Divine Mind because God has given you just that!
My friend, only by searching and mining are gold and diamonds obtained! You must find the gold and silver in your thinking. God has sent you 7 wonderful angels that are committed to your development. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to find every truth connected with your being. Dig deep into the soul of your thoughts!
Transform your world through your thoughts!
God Has Miralcles Planned For You!
Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my cry; (Psalm 88:2)
My friend, do I take your miracle seriously? Yes, I do… very seriously. So much that I am already in prayer for your miracle. It is my prayer that God will reward you for your faithfulness… and He will bless you MORE than abundantly!
Your miracle is my agenda!
You were greatly on my heart today. I cannot explain it, but I have a very distinct burden for you. I believe that you are going through a certain testing in your life. Maybe it is financial, or involves family relationships, job security, or physical pain in your body. My friend, our miracle-worker is right here, right now!
My friend, it is God’s WILL for you to be an overcomer in this particular situation. I want to prophesy to you… NOW! The Word of the Lord is the very heartbeat and key to my entire ministry. Permit me to bathe your circumstances in God’s glory and might as I pray for you right now!
God is going to intervene on your behalf!
You must realize that we are in a covenant relationship. Our prophetic connection is hated by the enemy because when you do not have the Word of the Lord in your life, you are open to attack from every angle. As your personal prophet, I want you to know that you have a direct line to the Throne Room of God!
My friend, God knows exactly what you are going through! He has seen your frustration. He has seen your faith. He has heard your pain and He has a plan for your breakthrough, totally already planned in His word. This is your season to watch for the signs and to claim your victory!
You have a direct line to the very Throne Room of God!
My friend, do I take your miracle seriously? Yes, I do… very seriously. So much that I am already in prayer for your miracle. It is my prayer that God will reward you for your faithfulness… and He will bless you MORE than abundantly!
Your miracle is my agenda!
You were greatly on my heart today. I cannot explain it, but I have a very distinct burden for you. I believe that you are going through a certain testing in your life. Maybe it is financial, or involves family relationships, job security, or physical pain in your body. My friend, our miracle-worker is right here, right now!
My friend, it is God’s WILL for you to be an overcomer in this particular situation. I want to prophesy to you… NOW! The Word of the Lord is the very heartbeat and key to my entire ministry. Permit me to bathe your circumstances in God’s glory and might as I pray for you right now!
God is going to intervene on your behalf!
You must realize that we are in a covenant relationship. Our prophetic connection is hated by the enemy because when you do not have the Word of the Lord in your life, you are open to attack from every angle. As your personal prophet, I want you to know that you have a direct line to the Throne Room of God!
My friend, God knows exactly what you are going through! He has seen your frustration. He has seen your faith. He has heard your pain and He has a plan for your breakthrough, totally already planned in His word. This is your season to watch for the signs and to claim your victory!
You have a direct line to the very Throne Room of God!
Prosperity Is Already Within Your Grasp!
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)
My friend, did you know that you are both your present and your future? You never experience anything except what you are. Today, change what you are, and your future will be happy, for today and tomorrow are the same. Your supply is Spirit and it is within you. It is never visible and it will never become visible. It is invisible to human eyes; it is never felt with your human fingers; it is never heard or tasted.
You are your own supply!
What you behold in the outer world are the forms that supply assumes. Outwardly supply takes the form of money, food, clothing, housing, transportation, business capital and so forth. Your spiritual discernment will tell you that this is true. Later you will see the proof of it – not by ever seeing supply but by seeing the forms that supply assumes.
My friend, like Moses, you can realize that you do not have to live on yesterday’s manna nor do you have to gather today’s manna for tomorrow; the supply is infinite! Truth, like supply, is invisible and inaudible. You will never see truth nor will you ever hear your truth. Truth is within you and truth is God. So your God within is your supply within.
You are your own truth!
You must realize that what you read in a book or what you hear with your ears are merely symbols of truth! The only reason why you experience lack is because you have not discovered prosperity as your truth within.
My friend, God knows exactly what you want in life! He has heard your prayers. Discover your inner supply and step out of lack in the here and now. This is your season to watch for the signs and to establish the Truth of Being in consciousness to attain your supply!
Step out of lack and discover your supply within!
My friend, did you know that you are both your present and your future? You never experience anything except what you are. Today, change what you are, and your future will be happy, for today and tomorrow are the same. Your supply is Spirit and it is within you. It is never visible and it will never become visible. It is invisible to human eyes; it is never felt with your human fingers; it is never heard or tasted.
You are your own supply!
What you behold in the outer world are the forms that supply assumes. Outwardly supply takes the form of money, food, clothing, housing, transportation, business capital and so forth. Your spiritual discernment will tell you that this is true. Later you will see the proof of it – not by ever seeing supply but by seeing the forms that supply assumes.
My friend, like Moses, you can realize that you do not have to live on yesterday’s manna nor do you have to gather today’s manna for tomorrow; the supply is infinite! Truth, like supply, is invisible and inaudible. You will never see truth nor will you ever hear your truth. Truth is within you and truth is God. So your God within is your supply within.
You are your own truth!
You must realize that what you read in a book or what you hear with your ears are merely symbols of truth! The only reason why you experience lack is because you have not discovered prosperity as your truth within.
My friend, God knows exactly what you want in life! He has heard your prayers. Discover your inner supply and step out of lack in the here and now. This is your season to watch for the signs and to establish the Truth of Being in consciousness to attain your supply!
Step out of lack and discover your supply within!
Gain The Divine Perspective!
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 2:5)
My friend, to the people of the world, regardless of nationality, ethnic origins, or religion, I say that the time has come to rise from our deep slumber, shake off the dust of frustration and futility, and realize the grandeur that has always been ours.
At the very beginning of our existence as a race of beings, we were graced with lavish abundance to meet every need, the genius of creative self-expression to contribute to the dignity and beauty of this tangible plane of existence, and the capacity to live conflict-free and enjoy loving relationships with everyone. Then the enemy of mental darkness slowly descended upon us, and we temporarily lost the God-consciousness of our magnificent legacy. The sacred became profane.
Assume your identity!
My friend, the gifts of God were given to each one of us as the Design of Divinity, God’s Plan of Oneness, but we went on our way as though our manifest destiny was strife, struggle, and sorrow - God's way of testing our souls. And most of the people on Earth continue to believe in birth and death with little in between to rejoice about. The majority of people live in fear or poverty, with one form of illness or another, or with inadequate food, clothing, housing, and education. This is certainly not the will of God or Heaven's Plan.
Tap into your God Consciousness!
You need to gain the Divine Perspective through your God-consciousness: We were all created to live rich, full, whole, joyous lives filled with beauty and creative self-expression. And if you are not, then you are not fulfilling your destiny! My friend, God knows exactly what you want in life! He has sent you seven angelic helpers to aid you. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to discover that the Kingdom is forever given, and nothing is ever withheld!
Gain the Divine Perspective!
My friend, to the people of the world, regardless of nationality, ethnic origins, or religion, I say that the time has come to rise from our deep slumber, shake off the dust of frustration and futility, and realize the grandeur that has always been ours.
At the very beginning of our existence as a race of beings, we were graced with lavish abundance to meet every need, the genius of creative self-expression to contribute to the dignity and beauty of this tangible plane of existence, and the capacity to live conflict-free and enjoy loving relationships with everyone. Then the enemy of mental darkness slowly descended upon us, and we temporarily lost the God-consciousness of our magnificent legacy. The sacred became profane.
Assume your identity!
My friend, the gifts of God were given to each one of us as the Design of Divinity, God’s Plan of Oneness, but we went on our way as though our manifest destiny was strife, struggle, and sorrow - God's way of testing our souls. And most of the people on Earth continue to believe in birth and death with little in between to rejoice about. The majority of people live in fear or poverty, with one form of illness or another, or with inadequate food, clothing, housing, and education. This is certainly not the will of God or Heaven's Plan.
Tap into your God Consciousness!
You need to gain the Divine Perspective through your God-consciousness: We were all created to live rich, full, whole, joyous lives filled with beauty and creative self-expression. And if you are not, then you are not fulfilling your destiny! My friend, God knows exactly what you want in life! He has sent you seven angelic helpers to aid you. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to discover that the Kingdom is forever given, and nothing is ever withheld!
Gain the Divine Perspective!
Results Are What Matter!
“[[A Psalm]] O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvelous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory.” (Psalm 98:1)
God is truly a good God! Why do I say this? There were times in your life when you did not think that God was always a good God. As a matter of fact, you became very disappointed with the conditions in which you were living. Life presented you with a difficult road to travel and on your journey you faced much heartache.
The average person would have fainted if they had to deal with half of the “stuff” the enemy has tossed in your direction. But through all of the embarrassment, harassment, mental and physical abuse, you found a way to keep going. Even in your midnight hour, the devil thought he had the victory. He thought you would give up and die.
But something deep down on the inside of you would not let you give up. You kept repeating the prayers of your parents and your grandparents. You started encouraging yourself with prayer; and through your journey, you grew to realize that God was your best friend.
This is the day for the world to hear your great testimony, because no one would have ever imagined that you would have overcome the schemes that the adversary planned for your life. This is your season to shout and give praises to the Father! The doors that were shut are now being opened for you in this season. The blessings of God are truly being demonstrated through your life in this season.
For the first time in your life, you can see light at the end of the tunnel. For the first time in your life, you can see your financial picture changing for the good. God has placed you in a position to receive everything that the enemy has tried to keep from you.
But there is even more that God is trying to get into your life this season. I keep hearing the word “TREASURE”. There is a treasure on its way to you. A PERSON’S NATURE IS REVEALED WHEN HE IS
“I am going to make your name great in the land. All of the shame and guilt you had to deal with in the past is over,” says the Spirit of the Living God. The people that used to laugh at you and make fun of you will now have to stand at attention and give you the respect you deserve - at home and in the workplace.
This new-found hope and confidence is causing everyone around you to take notice of what God is doing in your life. I hear the Holy Ghost saying, “Because you were faithful over little, I will make you ruler over many.”
God is truly a good God! Why do I say this? There were times in your life when you did not think that God was always a good God. As a matter of fact, you became very disappointed with the conditions in which you were living. Life presented you with a difficult road to travel and on your journey you faced much heartache.
The average person would have fainted if they had to deal with half of the “stuff” the enemy has tossed in your direction. But through all of the embarrassment, harassment, mental and physical abuse, you found a way to keep going. Even in your midnight hour, the devil thought he had the victory. He thought you would give up and die.
But something deep down on the inside of you would not let you give up. You kept repeating the prayers of your parents and your grandparents. You started encouraging yourself with prayer; and through your journey, you grew to realize that God was your best friend.
This is the day for the world to hear your great testimony, because no one would have ever imagined that you would have overcome the schemes that the adversary planned for your life. This is your season to shout and give praises to the Father! The doors that were shut are now being opened for you in this season. The blessings of God are truly being demonstrated through your life in this season.
For the first time in your life, you can see light at the end of the tunnel. For the first time in your life, you can see your financial picture changing for the good. God has placed you in a position to receive everything that the enemy has tried to keep from you.
But there is even more that God is trying to get into your life this season. I keep hearing the word “TREASURE”. There is a treasure on its way to you. A PERSON’S NATURE IS REVEALED WHEN HE IS
“I am going to make your name great in the land. All of the shame and guilt you had to deal with in the past is over,” says the Spirit of the Living God. The people that used to laugh at you and make fun of you will now have to stand at attention and give you the respect you deserve - at home and in the workplace.
This new-found hope and confidence is causing everyone around you to take notice of what God is doing in your life. I hear the Holy Ghost saying, “Because you were faithful over little, I will make you ruler over many.”
Free Will Is Your Birthright!
Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. (Psalm 51:12)
My friend, do you know that the choices and attitudes people create are based on fear and selfishness and the idea that we have to sacrifice in one area in order to get something in another? Many poor and underachieving people have found a comfort zone and may not want a different lifestyle. The ones I've known in that category feel that it's their lot in life, just a bad draw from the cosmic deck. "Just getting by" is all they know.
What they have not come to realize is that they are free to have all that God has ordained for them. Yes, there is free will, but how does the one Presence and Power of the universe see this? The light of Truth is eternally shining, the Kingdom is forever given, and nothing is ever withheld because of something called "free will." If we don't accept the gifts, it's only because we don't know that they've been given. It's a state of ignorance, a lack of knowledge, unawareness, confusion - but as the Truth emerges, we see things differently.
Discover your will to free yourself from poverty!
My friend, when we become aware that abundance, health, success, and right relations are part of the natural process of life, this awareness deepens into understanding and our lives begin to change. It is God’s Divine Will for you to be abundant. When you fail to come to this Divine realization, you begin to destroy the “free will” that God has given you to enjoy life. Instead, you create bondage situations that leave you feeling left in a trapped state of mind!
Destroy bondage thinking!
Trends of thought based on fear, anger, rejection, rebellion, guilt, unworthiness, futility, and un-forgivingness have developed into error patterns that will hold you in figurative bondage. The angels are here to help free you. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to remove blocks in consciousness and be willing to let go of false beliefs and close the door to the past!
You are free to do, have, be and create!
My friend, do you know that the choices and attitudes people create are based on fear and selfishness and the idea that we have to sacrifice in one area in order to get something in another? Many poor and underachieving people have found a comfort zone and may not want a different lifestyle. The ones I've known in that category feel that it's their lot in life, just a bad draw from the cosmic deck. "Just getting by" is all they know.
What they have not come to realize is that they are free to have all that God has ordained for them. Yes, there is free will, but how does the one Presence and Power of the universe see this? The light of Truth is eternally shining, the Kingdom is forever given, and nothing is ever withheld because of something called "free will." If we don't accept the gifts, it's only because we don't know that they've been given. It's a state of ignorance, a lack of knowledge, unawareness, confusion - but as the Truth emerges, we see things differently.
Discover your will to free yourself from poverty!
My friend, when we become aware that abundance, health, success, and right relations are part of the natural process of life, this awareness deepens into understanding and our lives begin to change. It is God’s Divine Will for you to be abundant. When you fail to come to this Divine realization, you begin to destroy the “free will” that God has given you to enjoy life. Instead, you create bondage situations that leave you feeling left in a trapped state of mind!
Destroy bondage thinking!
Trends of thought based on fear, anger, rejection, rebellion, guilt, unworthiness, futility, and un-forgivingness have developed into error patterns that will hold you in figurative bondage. The angels are here to help free you. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to remove blocks in consciousness and be willing to let go of false beliefs and close the door to the past!
You are free to do, have, be and create!
God Has Provided a Way Around Life's Obstacles!
Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. (Ezekiel 37:4)
My friend, did you know it is not easy being a human being? Unlike other species, we are not born with enough programmed DNA to see us through our survival. The best choices we make must come from intuition, cooperation and learning. We depend on traditions and elders to teach us and, of course, on experience, trial and error, and creativity as well.
We find ourselves up against many obstacles not only to surviving but to living lives of quality and happiness: wars, strife, famine, hurricanes, floods, fires, catastrophes of many kinds, divorce, death, sickness, poverty, abuse, slavery, oppression and betrayals. The bottom line is the human journey is not an easy one.
The Word of the Lord lightens your path!
My friend, the one thing that can make human existence meaningful and give us the courage and creativity to navigate our ways is the Word of the Lord. When the Word is rich and true to itself and is itself healthy, it is about spirituality, for Divinity is meant to be the core of spirituality. But spirituality, like everything else that humans touch, can become distorted and misused!
Destroy bondage thinking!
In times like ours, when the planet is reeling from abuse and misuse at the hands of false leaders, when human inventions and discoveries have shrunk time and space so that we can communicate by Internet and satellites instantaneously with others around the globe, when livable space for our own is dwindling and being depleted, it ought to prove especially beneficial to look to the Word of the Lord to help us find our way back (and forward!) to what it means to become one in God and with God. He has also sent His angels to help us. This is your season to watch for the signs and to know that God’s word will provide the strength to go forward in the human journey.
The journey may be tough but God is tougher!
My friend, did you know it is not easy being a human being? Unlike other species, we are not born with enough programmed DNA to see us through our survival. The best choices we make must come from intuition, cooperation and learning. We depend on traditions and elders to teach us and, of course, on experience, trial and error, and creativity as well.
We find ourselves up against many obstacles not only to surviving but to living lives of quality and happiness: wars, strife, famine, hurricanes, floods, fires, catastrophes of many kinds, divorce, death, sickness, poverty, abuse, slavery, oppression and betrayals. The bottom line is the human journey is not an easy one.
The Word of the Lord lightens your path!
My friend, the one thing that can make human existence meaningful and give us the courage and creativity to navigate our ways is the Word of the Lord. When the Word is rich and true to itself and is itself healthy, it is about spirituality, for Divinity is meant to be the core of spirituality. But spirituality, like everything else that humans touch, can become distorted and misused!
Destroy bondage thinking!
In times like ours, when the planet is reeling from abuse and misuse at the hands of false leaders, when human inventions and discoveries have shrunk time and space so that we can communicate by Internet and satellites instantaneously with others around the globe, when livable space for our own is dwindling and being depleted, it ought to prove especially beneficial to look to the Word of the Lord to help us find our way back (and forward!) to what it means to become one in God and with God. He has also sent His angels to help us. This is your season to watch for the signs and to know that God’s word will provide the strength to go forward in the human journey.
The journey may be tough but God is tougher!
Discover The Truth Of Who You Are!
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)
My friend, throughout history the unhappy man or woman has asked themselves two baffling questions: "Is there a way out? And if so, can I find it?" The answers in this letter replies: "Yes, there is a way out and yes, you can personally find it."
You will know there is a way out because you have found it for yourself. And how do you do find that place? Through awakening to your Divinity. The awakened man sees society's problems in an entirely different way from the social authorities who are called upon to solve the problems. Seeing their source in confused human nature, he knows the only cure is in individual self-awakening.
If you’re “asleep”, you will never solve your problems!
My friend, the awakened man knows there can be no mass cure, for the masses do not want cure; they want the ego-excitement provided by social chaos. What is vital is for you to see this for yourself! Just as you do not mentally accept every piece of music you hear, you must not accept every idea coming your way, but must see whether it falls in tune with your true nature. Your own awakening essence is perfectly capable of distinguishing between imitation life and the free life you really want to live.
Know the truth of you!
When you know the facts from yourself you no longer fall victim to society's distortions which parade around as facts. You discover the truth of who you really are and your Divinity begins to create the life you want and crushes the imitation life that so many who are “asleep” have grown accustomed to. And to help you create this abundant life, God has sent you His angels to help.
This is your season to watch for signs; this is your season to listen to your angels; this is your season to know it is quite possible for you to take your commands from within, rather than from shallow impressions coming from the outside world which disguises itself as truth… but is far from it.
Whose report are you believing?
My friend, throughout history the unhappy man or woman has asked themselves two baffling questions: "Is there a way out? And if so, can I find it?" The answers in this letter replies: "Yes, there is a way out and yes, you can personally find it."
You will know there is a way out because you have found it for yourself. And how do you do find that place? Through awakening to your Divinity. The awakened man sees society's problems in an entirely different way from the social authorities who are called upon to solve the problems. Seeing their source in confused human nature, he knows the only cure is in individual self-awakening.
If you’re “asleep”, you will never solve your problems!
My friend, the awakened man knows there can be no mass cure, for the masses do not want cure; they want the ego-excitement provided by social chaos. What is vital is for you to see this for yourself! Just as you do not mentally accept every piece of music you hear, you must not accept every idea coming your way, but must see whether it falls in tune with your true nature. Your own awakening essence is perfectly capable of distinguishing between imitation life and the free life you really want to live.
Know the truth of you!
When you know the facts from yourself you no longer fall victim to society's distortions which parade around as facts. You discover the truth of who you really are and your Divinity begins to create the life you want and crushes the imitation life that so many who are “asleep” have grown accustomed to. And to help you create this abundant life, God has sent you His angels to help.
This is your season to watch for signs; this is your season to listen to your angels; this is your season to know it is quite possible for you to take your commands from within, rather than from shallow impressions coming from the outside world which disguises itself as truth… but is far from it.
Whose report are you believing?
Beware Of Trickery!
“A trap seizes him by the heel; a snare holds him fast. A noose is hidden for him on the ground; a trap lies in his path.” (Job 18:9-10)
I am reminded of a quote by a famous lawyer and judge, William H. Hastie, “It is not a persuasive argument than an evil should continue because it has existed in the past.” I wish we all could walk in that revelation. But unfortunately, many of us carry the evils from our past right into our future.
Have you ever had the experience of waking up in the morning with the sun shining, the birds chirping, that alluring smell of breakfast fills the air, and you say to yourself, “This is going to be a great day!” So, you jump out of the bed with eager expectation that this is going to be the greatest day of your life, and right before your feet hit the floor, you are reminded of the countless responsibilities that are ahead of you for that day. Suddenly, that gleam of excitement turns into depression and anxiety. Now, your whole day is ruined because you have, once again, allowed the evils from your past to rob you of your present.
My friend, I must awaken the God-consciousness within you and warn you that there is an enemy at your gate. YOU ARE IN A BATTLE FOR YOUR LIFE! The enemy has tricked you and has designed some traps for you to walk into. But this does NOT mean that your past mistakes will rob you of having a PROSPEROUS LIFE!
Believe it or not, I’ve been there and done that, and because of my victories over the enemy, God says that He is going to give you victory over every trick and trap that the enemy has placed in your path.
“For every Sampson that is called into purpose, there is a Delilah set to bring blindness.”
My friend, this cycle must be broken in order for you to accomplish all of the great things that God has planned for you. You spend too much time fighting and battling your way through the enemy’s tricks and traps. You CANNOT afford to waste another day dealing with this craziness. I see a window of opportunity that God is trying to expose to you concerning business matters. You must act IMMEDIATELY!
I am reminded of a quote by a famous lawyer and judge, William H. Hastie, “It is not a persuasive argument than an evil should continue because it has existed in the past.” I wish we all could walk in that revelation. But unfortunately, many of us carry the evils from our past right into our future.
Have you ever had the experience of waking up in the morning with the sun shining, the birds chirping, that alluring smell of breakfast fills the air, and you say to yourself, “This is going to be a great day!” So, you jump out of the bed with eager expectation that this is going to be the greatest day of your life, and right before your feet hit the floor, you are reminded of the countless responsibilities that are ahead of you for that day. Suddenly, that gleam of excitement turns into depression and anxiety. Now, your whole day is ruined because you have, once again, allowed the evils from your past to rob you of your present.
My friend, I must awaken the God-consciousness within you and warn you that there is an enemy at your gate. YOU ARE IN A BATTLE FOR YOUR LIFE! The enemy has tricked you and has designed some traps for you to walk into. But this does NOT mean that your past mistakes will rob you of having a PROSPEROUS LIFE!
Believe it or not, I’ve been there and done that, and because of my victories over the enemy, God says that He is going to give you victory over every trick and trap that the enemy has placed in your path.
“For every Sampson that is called into purpose, there is a Delilah set to bring blindness.”
My friend, this cycle must be broken in order for you to accomplish all of the great things that God has planned for you. You spend too much time fighting and battling your way through the enemy’s tricks and traps. You CANNOT afford to waste another day dealing with this craziness. I see a window of opportunity that God is trying to expose to you concerning business matters. You must act IMMEDIATELY!
The Power of Prophecy!
Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world. (John 6:14)
My friend, do you realize that there is a lot of deception taking place in our world today? There is deception in politics, in business, in the
media, and in many other areas of life. But the area I find most alarming is the deception in the church. We see pastors preaching a watered down doctrine of loose living and we see the church slowly changing in into a social club… VOID OF MIRACLE POWER!
Deception in the church makes a mockery of God and His principles. Deception first started with the enemy and it continues today through the works of the enemy. The enemy has infiltrated the churches and has made people believe they can live any way that they want to live and still be One with the Father. The power that was once found in the church is no longer found there, generally speaking.
True prophesy has miracle power!
My friend, God’s righteous remnant that does not buy into what is popular is the Prophet, and the Prophet will stand for righteousness no matter what the cost. The Bible says righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to all people. When sin enters in, destruction soon follows.
I see in the Spirit that you are suffering in at least one area of your life. Which area of need can I prophesy your miracle into? Finances, fear or depression, mental victory, physical healing, family or your career? Right now, at this very moment, I am praying for you and your family, especially in this particular area.
Discover the miracle power of prophesy! This is your season to avoid deception and seek truth from the Lord through the Prophet because your miracle lies in your connection to God’s Spoken Word.
My friend, do you realize that there is a lot of deception taking place in our world today? There is deception in politics, in business, in the
media, and in many other areas of life. But the area I find most alarming is the deception in the church. We see pastors preaching a watered down doctrine of loose living and we see the church slowly changing in into a social club… VOID OF MIRACLE POWER!
Deception in the church makes a mockery of God and His principles. Deception first started with the enemy and it continues today through the works of the enemy. The enemy has infiltrated the churches and has made people believe they can live any way that they want to live and still be One with the Father. The power that was once found in the church is no longer found there, generally speaking.
True prophesy has miracle power!
My friend, God’s righteous remnant that does not buy into what is popular is the Prophet, and the Prophet will stand for righteousness no matter what the cost. The Bible says righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to all people. When sin enters in, destruction soon follows.
I see in the Spirit that you are suffering in at least one area of your life. Which area of need can I prophesy your miracle into? Finances, fear or depression, mental victory, physical healing, family or your career? Right now, at this very moment, I am praying for you and your family, especially in this particular area.
Discover the miracle power of prophesy! This is your season to avoid deception and seek truth from the Lord through the Prophet because your miracle lies in your connection to God’s Spoken Word.
Get Set For Life!
“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7)
In 1962, four new retailers were born. Kmart was started in Michigan; Target was started in Minneapolis; Woolworth, the big name in retailing at the time, called Woolco, was started; and Wal-Mart was started in rural Arkansas. Thirty years later, Woolco had met its demise and surprisingly, the top retailer was the one from Arkansas - Wal-Mart.
Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, stated, "Here's what makes me laugh today: it would have been absolutely impossible to convince anybody back then that in thirty years most all of the early discounters would be gone... that the one to fold up would be Woolco, and that the biggest, most profitable one would be the one down in Arkansas. Sometimes I even have trouble believing it." Today, Wal-Mart has done over $128,138,000,000 in sales.
Can you imagine if Sam Walton had believed his naysayers, who doubted whether a major discount store could be birthed in a small rural town in Arkansas? Who would have ever imagined that something that great could come out of a town so small? But man is the manifestation of his own self-concept, beliefs and ideas. Manifestation does not exist of itself. The source and sustenance of all manifestation is inner consciousness. The question is…
Oftentimes, people have the tendency to belittle the treasure that God has placed in them. So many times, we will ignore an idea that seems to just “pop” into our minds; or blow off a money-making suggestion that someone may toss our way; or never put our powerful life story into a book, a story that can change the lives of people all over the world and that has the potential to be a bestseller, all because we do not fully comprehend and value the valuable treasure that God has placed inside of us.
But one decision can change your life forever. One decision to pick up your treasure and assess its value can turn your life around and set you on the road to financial prosperity and success. I hear the Lord saying, “I have placed within you gifts and talents that can change the world and change your quality of life. But you have suppressed my voice and squelched your thirst to bring those gifts and talents into full manifestation.”
Do you know how many people are suffering because you have decided to place your gift on hold? One decision can change your life forever. One idea can open doors that no man can shut. Your treasure is locked inside of you, and you must be open to hear how God wants you to bring it to full manifestation.
Don’t deny your awareness of being! Your faith is shaken when you heed ungodly counsel. Stop feeding any manifestation (concept of yourself) that you do not like, and it will DIE out of your experience. Just be still and know that He Is God!
But don’t sit around limiting yourself! God wants you to RISE ABOVE! Rise above your problems! Rise to where there are no pairs of opposites! Rise to your level of greatness! The question is, how bad do you want it? Your level of desire will determine your destiny.
In 1962, four new retailers were born. Kmart was started in Michigan; Target was started in Minneapolis; Woolworth, the big name in retailing at the time, called Woolco, was started; and Wal-Mart was started in rural Arkansas. Thirty years later, Woolco had met its demise and surprisingly, the top retailer was the one from Arkansas - Wal-Mart.
Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, stated, "Here's what makes me laugh today: it would have been absolutely impossible to convince anybody back then that in thirty years most all of the early discounters would be gone... that the one to fold up would be Woolco, and that the biggest, most profitable one would be the one down in Arkansas. Sometimes I even have trouble believing it." Today, Wal-Mart has done over $128,138,000,000 in sales.
Can you imagine if Sam Walton had believed his naysayers, who doubted whether a major discount store could be birthed in a small rural town in Arkansas? Who would have ever imagined that something that great could come out of a town so small? But man is the manifestation of his own self-concept, beliefs and ideas. Manifestation does not exist of itself. The source and sustenance of all manifestation is inner consciousness. The question is…
Oftentimes, people have the tendency to belittle the treasure that God has placed in them. So many times, we will ignore an idea that seems to just “pop” into our minds; or blow off a money-making suggestion that someone may toss our way; or never put our powerful life story into a book, a story that can change the lives of people all over the world and that has the potential to be a bestseller, all because we do not fully comprehend and value the valuable treasure that God has placed inside of us.
But one decision can change your life forever. One decision to pick up your treasure and assess its value can turn your life around and set you on the road to financial prosperity and success. I hear the Lord saying, “I have placed within you gifts and talents that can change the world and change your quality of life. But you have suppressed my voice and squelched your thirst to bring those gifts and talents into full manifestation.”
Do you know how many people are suffering because you have decided to place your gift on hold? One decision can change your life forever. One idea can open doors that no man can shut. Your treasure is locked inside of you, and you must be open to hear how God wants you to bring it to full manifestation.
Don’t deny your awareness of being! Your faith is shaken when you heed ungodly counsel. Stop feeding any manifestation (concept of yourself) that you do not like, and it will DIE out of your experience. Just be still and know that He Is God!
But don’t sit around limiting yourself! God wants you to RISE ABOVE! Rise above your problems! Rise to where there are no pairs of opposites! Rise to your level of greatness! The question is, how bad do you want it? Your level of desire will determine your destiny.
Tap Into The Power Of Your Trinity!
Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all.
(I Chronicles 29:12)
My friend, did you know that there are three motives for which we live: we live for the body, the mind, and the soul. No single one of these is better or holier than the other two. Each is desirable, and none of them can live fully if one of the others is cut short of full life and expression. It is not right or noble to live only for the soul and deny mind or body. It is wrong to live for the intellect and deny body and soul.
We are all acquainted with the loathsome consequences of living for the body and denying both mind and soul. We see that real life means the complete expression of all that a person can give forth through body, mind and soul. No person can be really happy or satisfied unless his body is living fully in every function and unless the same is true of his mind and his soul.
Get acquainted with your trio!
My friend, wherever there is an unexpressed possibility or an unperformed function, there is an unsatisfied desire. Desire is possibility seeking expression or function seeking performance. A person cannot live fully in body without good food, comfortable clothing, warm shelter and freedom
from excessive toil. Rest and recreation are also necessary to his physical life.
Discover how to live in every function!
You cannot live fully in mind without books and time to study them, without opportunity for travel and observation, or without intellectual companionship. To live fully in mind you must have intellectual recreations and must surround yourself with all the objects of art and beauty you are capable of using and appreciating. To live fully in soul, an individual must have love. And the expression of love is often frustrated by poverty.
The angels have been sent from the Lord to help you discover the power of your body, mind and soul. This is your season to watch for the signs and to know that when you neglect your body, mind and soul, you are derelict in your duty to yourself, to God, and to humanity!
Divinity is in the trinity of your being!
(I Chronicles 29:12)
My friend, did you know that there are three motives for which we live: we live for the body, the mind, and the soul. No single one of these is better or holier than the other two. Each is desirable, and none of them can live fully if one of the others is cut short of full life and expression. It is not right or noble to live only for the soul and deny mind or body. It is wrong to live for the intellect and deny body and soul.
We are all acquainted with the loathsome consequences of living for the body and denying both mind and soul. We see that real life means the complete expression of all that a person can give forth through body, mind and soul. No person can be really happy or satisfied unless his body is living fully in every function and unless the same is true of his mind and his soul.
Get acquainted with your trio!
My friend, wherever there is an unexpressed possibility or an unperformed function, there is an unsatisfied desire. Desire is possibility seeking expression or function seeking performance. A person cannot live fully in body without good food, comfortable clothing, warm shelter and freedom
from excessive toil. Rest and recreation are also necessary to his physical life.
Discover how to live in every function!
You cannot live fully in mind without books and time to study them, without opportunity for travel and observation, or without intellectual companionship. To live fully in mind you must have intellectual recreations and must surround yourself with all the objects of art and beauty you are capable of using and appreciating. To live fully in soul, an individual must have love. And the expression of love is often frustrated by poverty.
The angels have been sent from the Lord to help you discover the power of your body, mind and soul. This is your season to watch for the signs and to know that when you neglect your body, mind and soul, you are derelict in your duty to yourself, to God, and to humanity!
Divinity is in the trinity of your being!
Don't Believe In Poverty!
O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. (Psalm 104:24)
My friend, the word "gospel" means "good news," and the good news is that there is gold in the gospel for you! We have often thought of Jesus as the great healer, which He was. We have regarded Him as an expert in prayer, which He was. But Jesus also understood, used and taught the mental and spiritual laws of prosperity.
Not only did He know the great, eternal truths about universal abundance, but He dared to reveal how the average person of His time - or any time - could develop an inner consciousness of supply that would tap that universal abundance. Because the political situation of Jesus' era controlled the economic welfare of His followers, teaching prosperity was an especially bold and fearless thing for Him to do.
If Jesus knew abundance, why can’t you?
My friend, Jesus knew that a part of His mission in becoming Saviour of the world was to save mankind from its erroneous beliefs about financial limitation being a spiritual necessity. That He dared to teach
the spiritual principles of true abundance was a part of His greatness.
Abundance is your portion!
If you have been enslaved to pagan poverty beliefs, the time has come to declare your freedom from them, and from all the financial havoc they have probably caused in your life. Indeed, the prosperous truth is that as a child of God it is a sin to be poor, and it is your spiritual birthright to prosper and succeed!
The angels have been sent from the Lord to reveal to you that you are not a slave to wages but a master of daily bread. This is your season to watch for the signs. This is your season to know that to learn and apply the prosperity principles Jesus taught is to become at one with all interior and exterior wealth, and to reap the peaceful, soul-satisfying benefits that such a consciousness brings.
Say goodbye to heartache! Say goodbye to pain! Say goodbye to lack! Say goodbye to disappointment! Say goodbye to fear! Say goodbye to want! AND WAVE GOODBYE TO POVERTY, ONCE AND FOR ALL!
Jesus taught you how to make money!
My friend, the word "gospel" means "good news," and the good news is that there is gold in the gospel for you! We have often thought of Jesus as the great healer, which He was. We have regarded Him as an expert in prayer, which He was. But Jesus also understood, used and taught the mental and spiritual laws of prosperity.
Not only did He know the great, eternal truths about universal abundance, but He dared to reveal how the average person of His time - or any time - could develop an inner consciousness of supply that would tap that universal abundance. Because the political situation of Jesus' era controlled the economic welfare of His followers, teaching prosperity was an especially bold and fearless thing for Him to do.
If Jesus knew abundance, why can’t you?
My friend, Jesus knew that a part of His mission in becoming Saviour of the world was to save mankind from its erroneous beliefs about financial limitation being a spiritual necessity. That He dared to teach
the spiritual principles of true abundance was a part of His greatness.
Abundance is your portion!
If you have been enslaved to pagan poverty beliefs, the time has come to declare your freedom from them, and from all the financial havoc they have probably caused in your life. Indeed, the prosperous truth is that as a child of God it is a sin to be poor, and it is your spiritual birthright to prosper and succeed!
The angels have been sent from the Lord to reveal to you that you are not a slave to wages but a master of daily bread. This is your season to watch for the signs. This is your season to know that to learn and apply the prosperity principles Jesus taught is to become at one with all interior and exterior wealth, and to reap the peaceful, soul-satisfying benefits that such a consciousness brings.
Say goodbye to heartache! Say goodbye to pain! Say goodbye to lack! Say goodbye to disappointment! Say goodbye to fear! Say goodbye to want! AND WAVE GOODBYE TO POVERTY, ONCE AND FOR ALL!
Jesus taught you how to make money!
The Power Of Being Unique!
“For thou [art] an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that [are] upon the earth.” (Deuteronomy 14:2)
I am writing you today with so much joy and excitement in my spirit! God is about to release a blessing in your life that is going to amaze you. For years you have questioned whether or not you were in the will God. Well, let me tell you, not only are you in the will of God, you are about to have the experience of a lifetime!
God has had His hand of protection on your life from the very beginning. All of the pain that you suffered growing up was the beginning of the ministry that God placed in you. I know what you are thinking - PAIN IS NO FUN. And you are right, it isn’t. But this is what makes you so special. There are millions of people who are suffering today, just as you have suffered in the past. But now God has chosen YOU to represent Him as a healing balm to others.
This gift is so unique that it can only be seen by the Spirit. Only those who are walking with the Father in their prophetic anointing can see the uniqueness on your life. The enemy has been trying to make you think there is something wrong with you. But in reality, he has been manipulating the people around you and causing them to become jealous of the gift that God has placed within you.
All of your life you have felt that there was something different about you. As a child you had the ability and the wisdom to bring peace into a chaotic situation. Your elders were amazed that so much knowledge was coming from such a small frame. The anointing that is on your life has given you the strength and courage to turn your pain into pleasure. Well, I am here to tell you - there is a prophetic anointing living on the inside of you that is ready to burst out!
The Holy Spirit just shared with me that the anointing that is on your life is breaking the stronghold that the enemy has had over your family and friends. I literally see them coming to you, one by one, apologizing for all of the pain and strife they caused you in the past. God is going to use you to bring healing and peace into their lives.
God is very proud of you. Most people would not have been able to stand and take the mess that you went through. You are an example of true strength and faith. You allowed the Holy Spirit to walk you through the pain so that you can enjoy the pleasures of life.
God is very proud of you. Most people would not have been able to stand and take the mess that you went through. You are an example of true strength and faith. You allowed the Holy Spirit to walk you through the pain so that you can enjoy the pleasures of life.
I am writing you today with so much joy and excitement in my spirit! God is about to release a blessing in your life that is going to amaze you. For years you have questioned whether or not you were in the will God. Well, let me tell you, not only are you in the will of God, you are about to have the experience of a lifetime!
God has had His hand of protection on your life from the very beginning. All of the pain that you suffered growing up was the beginning of the ministry that God placed in you. I know what you are thinking - PAIN IS NO FUN. And you are right, it isn’t. But this is what makes you so special. There are millions of people who are suffering today, just as you have suffered in the past. But now God has chosen YOU to represent Him as a healing balm to others.
This gift is so unique that it can only be seen by the Spirit. Only those who are walking with the Father in their prophetic anointing can see the uniqueness on your life. The enemy has been trying to make you think there is something wrong with you. But in reality, he has been manipulating the people around you and causing them to become jealous of the gift that God has placed within you.
All of your life you have felt that there was something different about you. As a child you had the ability and the wisdom to bring peace into a chaotic situation. Your elders were amazed that so much knowledge was coming from such a small frame. The anointing that is on your life has given you the strength and courage to turn your pain into pleasure. Well, I am here to tell you - there is a prophetic anointing living on the inside of you that is ready to burst out!
The Holy Spirit just shared with me that the anointing that is on your life is breaking the stronghold that the enemy has had over your family and friends. I literally see them coming to you, one by one, apologizing for all of the pain and strife they caused you in the past. God is going to use you to bring healing and peace into their lives.
God is very proud of you. Most people would not have been able to stand and take the mess that you went through. You are an example of true strength and faith. You allowed the Holy Spirit to walk you through the pain so that you can enjoy the pleasures of life.
God is very proud of you. Most people would not have been able to stand and take the mess that you went through. You are an example of true strength and faith. You allowed the Holy Spirit to walk you through the pain so that you can enjoy the pleasures of life.
Know No Limits!
For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand… thou hast lacked nothing. (Deuteronomy 2:7)
My friend, did you know that thoughts of failure, limitation or poverty are negative and must be counted out of your life for all time? Somebody will say, "But what of the poor; what are you going to do with them; are they to be left without help?" No! A thousand times no! The same Power is in them that is in all men. They will always be poor until they awaken and realize what life is.
All the charity on earth has never done away with poverty and never will; if it could have done so it would have done so; it could not, therefore it has not. It will do me a thousand times more good to show you how to succeed than it will to tell him you, you need charity.
Charity is for the poor.
My friend, you need not listen to all the calamity howlers. Let them howl if it does them any good. God has given us a Power and we must use it. We can do more toward saving the world by proving this law than all that charity has ever given it. Right here, in the manifold world today, there is more money and provision than the world can use. Not even a fraction of the wealth of the world is used. Inventors and discoverers are adding to this wealth everyday; they are the real people. But in the midst of plenty, surrounded by all the gifts of heaven, man sits and begs for his daily bread.
You must become responsible for your own Divinity!
He should be taught to realize that he has brought these conditions upon himself. Instead of blaming God, man or the devil for the circumstances which surround him, he should learn to seek the Truth, to let the dead bury their dead. My friend, the angels have been sent to reveal to you that you are not a slave to wages but a master of daily bread. This is your season to watch for the signs and to overcome all limitations, being accountable for your own Divinity.
Stop limitation in your life!
My friend, did you know that thoughts of failure, limitation or poverty are negative and must be counted out of your life for all time? Somebody will say, "But what of the poor; what are you going to do with them; are they to be left without help?" No! A thousand times no! The same Power is in them that is in all men. They will always be poor until they awaken and realize what life is.
All the charity on earth has never done away with poverty and never will; if it could have done so it would have done so; it could not, therefore it has not. It will do me a thousand times more good to show you how to succeed than it will to tell him you, you need charity.
Charity is for the poor.
My friend, you need not listen to all the calamity howlers. Let them howl if it does them any good. God has given us a Power and we must use it. We can do more toward saving the world by proving this law than all that charity has ever given it. Right here, in the manifold world today, there is more money and provision than the world can use. Not even a fraction of the wealth of the world is used. Inventors and discoverers are adding to this wealth everyday; they are the real people. But in the midst of plenty, surrounded by all the gifts of heaven, man sits and begs for his daily bread.
You must become responsible for your own Divinity!
He should be taught to realize that he has brought these conditions upon himself. Instead of blaming God, man or the devil for the circumstances which surround him, he should learn to seek the Truth, to let the dead bury their dead. My friend, the angels have been sent to reveal to you that you are not a slave to wages but a master of daily bread. This is your season to watch for the signs and to overcome all limitations, being accountable for your own Divinity.
Stop limitation in your life!
Write Your Own Hugh Check!
“And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it:” (Habakkuk 2:2)
Writing Is The Key To Manifestation. Did you know that when you speak about a goal, a plan, a business or anything in general, you make it more likely to happen? But when you write it down, you make it five times more likely to happen! Writing turns out to be the key you can use to unlock the manifestation of the blessings God has decreed you are to have in your life.
“…Write down these words, for in accordance with these words
I have made a covenant with you…” (Exodus 34:27)
Writing down your goals is the first step in bringing your own intangible visions and inspirations into three-dimensional manifested form. It is a power source, and a lasting form of expression that even after you have stopped writing, continues to exist. Why else do you keep records of your own checkbook?
What is the reason you do not have all that you desire or want in life? The problem comes when you do not write down your vision and make it plain. Writing is the gateway to what you wish to receive. What you desire is out there already, waiting for you to declare that you are that thing, so it can begin to manifest!
I “see” new agreements and contracts for you in this season and I want you to know that God is placing His Hand on the middle of the “negotiation table”. I “see” major money deals coming in your direction, and as an act of faith and confirmation I want you to get a blank check and write any amount that you want God to place into your life. Keep this check in a safe place and be obedient to His word and watch how God begins to manifest it into existence.
Writing Is The Key To Manifestation. Did you know that when you speak about a goal, a plan, a business or anything in general, you make it more likely to happen? But when you write it down, you make it five times more likely to happen! Writing turns out to be the key you can use to unlock the manifestation of the blessings God has decreed you are to have in your life.
“…Write down these words, for in accordance with these words
I have made a covenant with you…” (Exodus 34:27)
Writing down your goals is the first step in bringing your own intangible visions and inspirations into three-dimensional manifested form. It is a power source, and a lasting form of expression that even after you have stopped writing, continues to exist. Why else do you keep records of your own checkbook?
What is the reason you do not have all that you desire or want in life? The problem comes when you do not write down your vision and make it plain. Writing is the gateway to what you wish to receive. What you desire is out there already, waiting for you to declare that you are that thing, so it can begin to manifest!
I “see” new agreements and contracts for you in this season and I want you to know that God is placing His Hand on the middle of the “negotiation table”. I “see” major money deals coming in your direction, and as an act of faith and confirmation I want you to get a blank check and write any amount that you want God to place into your life. Keep this check in a safe place and be obedient to His word and watch how God begins to manifest it into existence.
God Is In All Things!
…God is with thee in all that thou doest. (Genesis 21:22)
My friend, every day the newspapers, television and radio are filled with accounts of automobile, train, ship and airplane accidents and fatalities. But there is just as much of God in the plane, in the ship, or in the car as there is in any holy mountain or holy temple, and therefore, there is just as much security, just as much safety in the plane, on the battlefield, or in an automobile as there is in a church.
When you are called upon to use transportation where the threat of danger lurks or insecurity exists, you can find your security by carrying with you the realization that the place where you stand is Holy ground and that no accident or danger of any kind can come near your dwelling place, which is your consciousness.
Nothing can prosper against the God in you.
My friend, accidents take place when there is no realization of the presence of God. God, when realized as omnipresence, the divine presence where you are, makes it impossible for any of the evils of this world to reach you. It is not because of God's omnipresence that you are safe and secure in the midst of danger; but because of your consciousness realization, recognition, and acknowledgment of God's presence that you bring safety, security, and peace wherever you may be.
You are NEVER absent from His presence.
My friend, the angels have been sent from the Lord to reveal to you that you are forever safe in the arms of the Lord… you just have to realize it. This is your season to watch for the signs and to learn to live consciously aware of the presence of God, from morning to night and from night to morning, not taking it for granted.
My friend, every day the newspapers, television and radio are filled with accounts of automobile, train, ship and airplane accidents and fatalities. But there is just as much of God in the plane, in the ship, or in the car as there is in any holy mountain or holy temple, and therefore, there is just as much security, just as much safety in the plane, on the battlefield, or in an automobile as there is in a church.
When you are called upon to use transportation where the threat of danger lurks or insecurity exists, you can find your security by carrying with you the realization that the place where you stand is Holy ground and that no accident or danger of any kind can come near your dwelling place, which is your consciousness.
Nothing can prosper against the God in you.
My friend, accidents take place when there is no realization of the presence of God. God, when realized as omnipresence, the divine presence where you are, makes it impossible for any of the evils of this world to reach you. It is not because of God's omnipresence that you are safe and secure in the midst of danger; but because of your consciousness realization, recognition, and acknowledgment of God's presence that you bring safety, security, and peace wherever you may be.
You are NEVER absent from His presence.
My friend, the angels have been sent from the Lord to reveal to you that you are forever safe in the arms of the Lord… you just have to realize it. This is your season to watch for the signs and to learn to live consciously aware of the presence of God, from morning to night and from night to morning, not taking it for granted.
Life Is More Than "Ups & Downs"!
For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? (Romans 8:24)
My friend, it is very easy to be swayed by circumstances and situations that surround you day to day; the secret to success is how you interpret and learn from them. One of the greatest truths I’ve learned over the years is that “you are what you think”.
You are able to create your own destiny simply by the things you think about. If your expectancy is to fail, then that is what you will probably do. If, however, you have absolute confidence that you are going to succeed then whatever “ups and downs” you experience you will interpret them as stepping-stones or a learning curve to your eventual success.
Create your own destiny.
If you are anything like me you have had your fair share of putdowns. Other people may have influenced your confidence, in most cases with negative consequences. You may have even self-sabotaged your own efforts because subconsciously you feel that you do not deserve success.
Examine your expectancy.
My friend, examine your own expectancy and determine exactly what it is that you think about yourself. The angels have been sent from the Lord to help build greater confidence in you because you have a greater destiny to fulfill. This is your season to develop the attitude of “if it’s going to be; it’s up to me.”
What I will be is up to me!
My friend, it is very easy to be swayed by circumstances and situations that surround you day to day; the secret to success is how you interpret and learn from them. One of the greatest truths I’ve learned over the years is that “you are what you think”.
You are able to create your own destiny simply by the things you think about. If your expectancy is to fail, then that is what you will probably do. If, however, you have absolute confidence that you are going to succeed then whatever “ups and downs” you experience you will interpret them as stepping-stones or a learning curve to your eventual success.
Create your own destiny.
If you are anything like me you have had your fair share of putdowns. Other people may have influenced your confidence, in most cases with negative consequences. You may have even self-sabotaged your own efforts because subconsciously you feel that you do not deserve success.
Examine your expectancy.
My friend, examine your own expectancy and determine exactly what it is that you think about yourself. The angels have been sent from the Lord to help build greater confidence in you because you have a greater destiny to fulfill. This is your season to develop the attitude of “if it’s going to be; it’s up to me.”
What I will be is up to me!
Think Like A Millionaire!
“And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury : and many that were rich cast in much.” (Mark 12:41)
Repeat after me and say, “Let go, let God!” One more time, “Let go, let God!” I want to let you in on a little secret… You cannot achieve millionaire status while holding on to negative thoughts.
There is a discipline that is required from all of those who expect to attain millionaire status. If you were to take a poll among your friends, I am pretty certain that almost all of them would say they would like to be millionaires. But the real question is do they have the discipline and the courage to make it happen?
1. Millionaires do not think like the general public.
2. The habits of millionaires are different.
3. What millionaires do for fun is different.
4. The conversations that take place in the millionaire’s inner circle are different.
5. The millionaire mind is always forward-thinking.
6. Millionaires see the good in everything. They love being around people – all types of people.
7. Millionaires never worry about what their critics have to say. They see all negative publicity as FREE publicity.
The Holy Spirit showed me that you have what it takes to become a millionaire. But there are some things that you have to deal with in order to reach your goal. The word “poverty” must be eliminated from your vocabulary completely. You will not attain wealth or happiness with a poverty mindset.
You have been set up by God to break the generational curse of poverty that has been plaguing your family. Think it not strange that lately you have been thinking about financial increase that will eliminate your debt and the debt of your family. You have to grab that desired feeling and walk it out.
The Holy Spirit is really challenging you in this season to become more disciplined with your finances and to pay more attention to where you are spending your time. By allowing the right thoughts to penetrate your mind everyday you can begin to expect great things from yourself. The right attitude towards people and money is going to cause the rivers of prosperity to overflow in your life.
“For as a man thinketh in his heart, so [is] he…”
(Proverb 23:7)
God has given you the mental faculties to become as wealthy as you want to be. Now is NOT the time for you to act like a deer in headlights. God wants you to live like the heir of a King. The millionaire in you is waiting for you to turn the lights on and to start manifesting your riches.
Repeat after me and say, “Let go, let God!” One more time, “Let go, let God!” I want to let you in on a little secret… You cannot achieve millionaire status while holding on to negative thoughts.
There is a discipline that is required from all of those who expect to attain millionaire status. If you were to take a poll among your friends, I am pretty certain that almost all of them would say they would like to be millionaires. But the real question is do they have the discipline and the courage to make it happen?
1. Millionaires do not think like the general public.
2. The habits of millionaires are different.
3. What millionaires do for fun is different.
4. The conversations that take place in the millionaire’s inner circle are different.
5. The millionaire mind is always forward-thinking.
6. Millionaires see the good in everything. They love being around people – all types of people.
7. Millionaires never worry about what their critics have to say. They see all negative publicity as FREE publicity.
The Holy Spirit showed me that you have what it takes to become a millionaire. But there are some things that you have to deal with in order to reach your goal. The word “poverty” must be eliminated from your vocabulary completely. You will not attain wealth or happiness with a poverty mindset.
You have been set up by God to break the generational curse of poverty that has been plaguing your family. Think it not strange that lately you have been thinking about financial increase that will eliminate your debt and the debt of your family. You have to grab that desired feeling and walk it out.
The Holy Spirit is really challenging you in this season to become more disciplined with your finances and to pay more attention to where you are spending your time. By allowing the right thoughts to penetrate your mind everyday you can begin to expect great things from yourself. The right attitude towards people and money is going to cause the rivers of prosperity to overflow in your life.
“For as a man thinketh in his heart, so [is] he…”
(Proverb 23:7)
God has given you the mental faculties to become as wealthy as you want to be. Now is NOT the time for you to act like a deer in headlights. God wants you to live like the heir of a King. The millionaire in you is waiting for you to turn the lights on and to start manifesting your riches.
Success Is Yours For The Taking!
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (II Corinthians 5:17)
My friend, taking responsibility for you own actions means that success or failure is the direct result of what you do or don’t do, bottom line. Being able to make your own decisive decisions is another attribute that I have found to be important. By “decisive” I mean making a decision and going through with it. So many times we decide to do something without the necessary conviction to carry it through.
If you are unsure in doing anything you will be influenced by the first obstacle that you encounter. I discovered that conviction of purpose can be a tough thing to establish, particularly if you are plagued with worry and doubt.
Don’t let obstacles intimidate you.
My friend, it is good to be aware of all sides of the argument, but not to such an extent that you talk yourself out of doing anything. Sometimes it is more a case where you have to just do it and adjust later, rather than play devil’s advocate all the time. If you want success then you have to find something that you enjoy doing. Without passion it is extremely difficult to keep on track and stay the course.
Don’t blame the enemy, you’re the one listening.
My friend, never let anything outside the truth of you influence your path towards success. The angels have been sent from the Lord to guide you into a greater experience of success. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to know that there is never anyone else to blame for your success, but there are influential reasons why you have yet to experience it.
Success is your own responsibility!
My friend, taking responsibility for you own actions means that success or failure is the direct result of what you do or don’t do, bottom line. Being able to make your own decisive decisions is another attribute that I have found to be important. By “decisive” I mean making a decision and going through with it. So many times we decide to do something without the necessary conviction to carry it through.
If you are unsure in doing anything you will be influenced by the first obstacle that you encounter. I discovered that conviction of purpose can be a tough thing to establish, particularly if you are plagued with worry and doubt.
Don’t let obstacles intimidate you.
My friend, it is good to be aware of all sides of the argument, but not to such an extent that you talk yourself out of doing anything. Sometimes it is more a case where you have to just do it and adjust later, rather than play devil’s advocate all the time. If you want success then you have to find something that you enjoy doing. Without passion it is extremely difficult to keep on track and stay the course.
Don’t blame the enemy, you’re the one listening.
My friend, never let anything outside the truth of you influence your path towards success. The angels have been sent from the Lord to guide you into a greater experience of success. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to know that there is never anyone else to blame for your success, but there are influential reasons why you have yet to experience it.
Success is your own responsibility!
God Wants To Whisper Something Great In Your Ear!
"A word was secretly brought to me, my ears caught a whisper of it.” (Job 4:12)
I have been praying for the world (you and your family members) that God will open up your hearts and minds during this season. I know that God has placed me in your life to speak prophetically to you about the things of the Spirit.
I have seen in the Spirit that there are times when you feel like everyone around you has abandoned you. You are in a very difficult situation and the pressure that you are under is about to make you go crazy. Your finances are not lining up the way you would want them to and the bills just keep on coming.
There are times that you find yourself getting depressed over the situations that you have allowed yourself to get into. I hear the Holy Spirit saying that you have put your trust and confidence in the wrong place. You keep looking for family members and friends to bail you out, but your answers are not with them.
I see you sitting in your house just waiting for the phone to ring, hoping that someone you know will help you during this time of crisis. I hear the Holy Spirit saying that the faith and the hope that you have in people, you should have in God. I must warn you that the devil has a plan to destroy your life and cause havoc all around you. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that the only reason why you are struggling is because you did not listen to the voice of God. Over the past four months, God has been trying to take your focus off of your problems and place it on Him. God wants you to know that He is the source of all of your supply.
The Holy Spirit is talking to you through my writings. I know for a fact that God has brought this prophetic connection together so that I can share with you the mind of God concerning your life. I see in the Spirit where people have tried to manipulate you and take advantage of you. I can sense that the Holy Spirit wants to do something wonderful in your life. God is going to use every bad experience you have had to turn things around for your good.
Just as Jesus called forth Lazarus and he walked out of his cave of darkness, the Holy Spirit is calling you out of the cave in which you have been living for years. The prophetic word that I have in my belly is going to walk you right out of the cave of despair and into God’s marvelous light. You need to know that you are just one decision away from erasing all of the wrong decisions you have made in your life.
“Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give
thee the desires of thine heart.” (Psalm 37:4)
I have been praying for the world (you and your family members) that God will open up your hearts and minds during this season. I know that God has placed me in your life to speak prophetically to you about the things of the Spirit.
I have seen in the Spirit that there are times when you feel like everyone around you has abandoned you. You are in a very difficult situation and the pressure that you are under is about to make you go crazy. Your finances are not lining up the way you would want them to and the bills just keep on coming.
There are times that you find yourself getting depressed over the situations that you have allowed yourself to get into. I hear the Holy Spirit saying that you have put your trust and confidence in the wrong place. You keep looking for family members and friends to bail you out, but your answers are not with them.
I see you sitting in your house just waiting for the phone to ring, hoping that someone you know will help you during this time of crisis. I hear the Holy Spirit saying that the faith and the hope that you have in people, you should have in God. I must warn you that the devil has a plan to destroy your life and cause havoc all around you. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that the only reason why you are struggling is because you did not listen to the voice of God. Over the past four months, God has been trying to take your focus off of your problems and place it on Him. God wants you to know that He is the source of all of your supply.
The Holy Spirit is talking to you through my writings. I know for a fact that God has brought this prophetic connection together so that I can share with you the mind of God concerning your life. I see in the Spirit where people have tried to manipulate you and take advantage of you. I can sense that the Holy Spirit wants to do something wonderful in your life. God is going to use every bad experience you have had to turn things around for your good.
Just as Jesus called forth Lazarus and he walked out of his cave of darkness, the Holy Spirit is calling you out of the cave in which you have been living for years. The prophetic word that I have in my belly is going to walk you right out of the cave of despair and into God’s marvelous light. You need to know that you are just one decision away from erasing all of the wrong decisions you have made in your life.
“Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give
thee the desires of thine heart.” (Psalm 37:4)
Progress Your Life Or Digress Your Living!
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)
My friend, one day a pastor was sharing with me about a certain pastor he knew who went down to the railroad track everyday at 2:00pm. His staff did not understand why he went, so one day they followed him. He walked down to the railroad overpass and stood there for about 10 minutes then he turned around and walked back. His staff told him that they had followed him, but that they didn't understand why he went to the railroad overpass everyday and just stood there. He told them he just had to see something moving that he wasn't pushing.
There are some of us who know if you stop pushing in your family that it won't move. We have to be people of action. When people see you, they should see movement. They should see progression. They should say, "My goodness, when I saw you last year you were doing good, but this year you look like you are doing fantastic!”
Move away from the “left behind” crowd.
My friend, some will say, “I remember how you were three years ago, but I hardly know you now." Well, tell them that if they don't know you now they won't know you two years from now either, because you will be totally out of reach. If you hang around folks who aren't going anywhere, you will find you don't go anywhere either. I call those who refuse to progress the “left behind” crowd, because that’s just what is going to happen to them… they’ll be left behind.
Always be moving forward in life.
The angels of the Lord have been sent in this season to direct your path away from the “left behind” crowd. You’ve been waiting for your time long enough. It is time to progress spiritually, emotionally, physically and even financially. This is your season to watch for the signs and to remove yourself away from the crowd that refuses to progress so that you yourself don’t become mired down and stop.
Don’t get left behind, GET MOVING FORWARD!
My friend, one day a pastor was sharing with me about a certain pastor he knew who went down to the railroad track everyday at 2:00pm. His staff did not understand why he went, so one day they followed him. He walked down to the railroad overpass and stood there for about 10 minutes then he turned around and walked back. His staff told him that they had followed him, but that they didn't understand why he went to the railroad overpass everyday and just stood there. He told them he just had to see something moving that he wasn't pushing.
There are some of us who know if you stop pushing in your family that it won't move. We have to be people of action. When people see you, they should see movement. They should see progression. They should say, "My goodness, when I saw you last year you were doing good, but this year you look like you are doing fantastic!”
Move away from the “left behind” crowd.
My friend, some will say, “I remember how you were three years ago, but I hardly know you now." Well, tell them that if they don't know you now they won't know you two years from now either, because you will be totally out of reach. If you hang around folks who aren't going anywhere, you will find you don't go anywhere either. I call those who refuse to progress the “left behind” crowd, because that’s just what is going to happen to them… they’ll be left behind.
Always be moving forward in life.
The angels of the Lord have been sent in this season to direct your path away from the “left behind” crowd. You’ve been waiting for your time long enough. It is time to progress spiritually, emotionally, physically and even financially. This is your season to watch for the signs and to remove yourself away from the crowd that refuses to progress so that you yourself don’t become mired down and stop.
Don’t get left behind, GET MOVING FORWARD!
To What Are You Devoting God-Given Talents?
For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. (Deuteronomy 7:6)
My friend, do you know that some people get lazy and fearful to the point where they become afraid of challenge? They're afraid to bring new discoveries to their generation. God wants to show His glory through the body of Christ by bringing a level of joy and prosperity that has never been known to man before. This will be manifested through wonderful family relationships and friendships. Scientific and artistic genius in oneself will be discovered as we (the body of Christ) devote our God-given talents to praise the Name of Jesus.
We will experience the joy of the mighty anointing on our children as they take their authority as sons and daughters of God - knowing and hearing the truth from infancy. The reality of the covenant we have with the Lord Jesus and the body of Christ will bring a powerful unity as never before as we listen and do what the Holy Spirit is prompting us to do in this hour.
Discover the power of being united in Christ.
My friend, we must command the powers of darkness under our feet and forbid them to operate in our flesh, relationships, loved ones and communities. God wants vessels that are seeking His instructions, proceeding with immediate action in His armor and might. Many who seek God's direction for their lives are getting the answers, whether it be through a still small voice of the Holy Spirit, God's Word or God's Prophet.
Don’t be swayed from the path God has given you to walk.
Some allow pride to cause them to reject the path God has chosen for them to walk. Others receive the Word, but through fear and doubt, are letting the devil keep them in a cold, damp boat; thinking they are safe when they could be walking on water with Jesus! The angels of the Lord have been sent in this season to direct your path away and keep you moving on the straight and narrow. This is your season to know that only the chosen disciples were invited in the boat in the first place, so when you are challenged with a vision that would promote God's Kingdom, think of yourself as a chosen disciple and go for it!
You are a Chosen Disciple!
My friend, do you know that some people get lazy and fearful to the point where they become afraid of challenge? They're afraid to bring new discoveries to their generation. God wants to show His glory through the body of Christ by bringing a level of joy and prosperity that has never been known to man before. This will be manifested through wonderful family relationships and friendships. Scientific and artistic genius in oneself will be discovered as we (the body of Christ) devote our God-given talents to praise the Name of Jesus.
We will experience the joy of the mighty anointing on our children as they take their authority as sons and daughters of God - knowing and hearing the truth from infancy. The reality of the covenant we have with the Lord Jesus and the body of Christ will bring a powerful unity as never before as we listen and do what the Holy Spirit is prompting us to do in this hour.
Discover the power of being united in Christ.
My friend, we must command the powers of darkness under our feet and forbid them to operate in our flesh, relationships, loved ones and communities. God wants vessels that are seeking His instructions, proceeding with immediate action in His armor and might. Many who seek God's direction for their lives are getting the answers, whether it be through a still small voice of the Holy Spirit, God's Word or God's Prophet.
Don’t be swayed from the path God has given you to walk.
Some allow pride to cause them to reject the path God has chosen for them to walk. Others receive the Word, but through fear and doubt, are letting the devil keep them in a cold, damp boat; thinking they are safe when they could be walking on water with Jesus! The angels of the Lord have been sent in this season to direct your path away and keep you moving on the straight and narrow. This is your season to know that only the chosen disciples were invited in the boat in the first place, so when you are challenged with a vision that would promote God's Kingdom, think of yourself as a chosen disciple and go for it!
You are a Chosen Disciple!
Invest In You!
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” (James 1:17)
A hungry man was on a journey. While walking through the woods, he came across a tree that was full of luscious fruit. The man had not eaten for days, and his hunger was making him weary. He tried to climb the tree to reach the fruit, but he stumbled and could not make it and bruised his knees in the process.
Frantically, he tried to leap up and grab a piece of fruit off of the tree. After hours of reaching and leaping and stretching and laboring, he became exhausted and fell to the ground. With his last burst of energy, he tried to throw stones to knock a piece of fruit down from the tree. His efforts did not work. The man grew more weary and perished by the fruit tree.
Now, a second hungry man walked up to the tree. He was excited because he had prepared himself in advance to partake of the fruit on the tree. He sought the prophet for the word of the Lord, prior to making his journey. The prophet revealed that someone had placed a ladder in the back of the tree so that no one would have to struggle to get to the fruit on the tree. With great joy and enthusiasm, the man climbed up the ladder and took all of the fruit that he needed. THE MAN HAD FRUIT TO EAT FOR THE REST OF HIS DAYS…
The best investment you can make is in yourself. So many people fall short in this category and they end up living unhappy lives. Don’t allow this to happen to you. The enemy is always trying to keep you from attaining what God really has for you. He will keep you busy doing so much that you will end up missing one of the greatest opportunities in the world - and that is investing in your own life. True wealth, prosperity and wholeness come from the seeds that you sow into making YOUR life better.
I don’t want you to end up like the first hungry man who perished because he went on his journey without seeking the advice of the prophet. God wants you to take this very important first step by investing in yourself.
Every decision you make will have a major impact on your life. It is time for you to wake up and smell the coffee! So much of your time has already been wasted on doing for family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, your children. STOP! The time has come when you must INVEST IN YOURSELF and take back all the enemy has stolen from you!
Everyday people are advising us to invest in real estate, the stock market and items that appreciate in value. Well, you've dreamed about it long enough. You've desired it long enough. You've waited long enough. Let your next investment be an investment in your OWN life, an investment that is going to change your life forever!
A hungry man was on a journey. While walking through the woods, he came across a tree that was full of luscious fruit. The man had not eaten for days, and his hunger was making him weary. He tried to climb the tree to reach the fruit, but he stumbled and could not make it and bruised his knees in the process.
Frantically, he tried to leap up and grab a piece of fruit off of the tree. After hours of reaching and leaping and stretching and laboring, he became exhausted and fell to the ground. With his last burst of energy, he tried to throw stones to knock a piece of fruit down from the tree. His efforts did not work. The man grew more weary and perished by the fruit tree.
Now, a second hungry man walked up to the tree. He was excited because he had prepared himself in advance to partake of the fruit on the tree. He sought the prophet for the word of the Lord, prior to making his journey. The prophet revealed that someone had placed a ladder in the back of the tree so that no one would have to struggle to get to the fruit on the tree. With great joy and enthusiasm, the man climbed up the ladder and took all of the fruit that he needed. THE MAN HAD FRUIT TO EAT FOR THE REST OF HIS DAYS…
The best investment you can make is in yourself. So many people fall short in this category and they end up living unhappy lives. Don’t allow this to happen to you. The enemy is always trying to keep you from attaining what God really has for you. He will keep you busy doing so much that you will end up missing one of the greatest opportunities in the world - and that is investing in your own life. True wealth, prosperity and wholeness come from the seeds that you sow into making YOUR life better.
I don’t want you to end up like the first hungry man who perished because he went on his journey without seeking the advice of the prophet. God wants you to take this very important first step by investing in yourself.
Every decision you make will have a major impact on your life. It is time for you to wake up and smell the coffee! So much of your time has already been wasted on doing for family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, your children. STOP! The time has come when you must INVEST IN YOURSELF and take back all the enemy has stolen from you!
Everyday people are advising us to invest in real estate, the stock market and items that appreciate in value. Well, you've dreamed about it long enough. You've desired it long enough. You've waited long enough. Let your next investment be an investment in your OWN life, an investment that is going to change your life forever!
Stop Complaining and Get A New Life!
"Go, stand in the temple courts," he said, "and tell the people the full message of this new life." (Acts 5:20)
I need to ask you a question without you telling on yourself or anyone else. Is there someone you know, a co-worker, friend or family member, who always complains? It doesn’t matter what the subject is or the time of day, all they do is complain. They will always find something wrong. It could be sunny outside, but they will complain it’s too hot. It could be a nice, breezy day in the fall, and they will complain that the wind is blowing too much.
People who complain all of the time are really unhappy people. They are frustrated with the results of their lives, and as a result, they become critical of everyone else around them. They only see life through their dark, gloomy glasses, which obscures their view of situations and people.
The Holy Ghost just revealed to me that He doesn’t want you to become a bitter and angry person, one who is always complaining. I heard God yelling your name from the heavens saying, “Save my child from the lying hands of the enemy!”
Success never comes easy for the complainer, because they cannot see the forest for the trees. God is calling forth abundance in your life and resurrection of everything that was deemed dead. He is speaking life to it today. God wants to break through that complaining spirit that is hindering your walk.
“You are no longer innocent, you are condemned to awareness.”
(Michael Eric Dyson, Scholar and Writer)
There comes a time in everyone’s life when they say, “Enough is enough! I WILL NOT continue down this same path of lost opportunities and dead-end roads. I am tired of watching good opportunities pass me by. I am tired of going around and around in circles, only to end up with nothing. Why is my life like this? Where have I gone wrong? How did I end up in this hell hole?”
you must begin to rid yourself of all negative thoughts, ideas, feelings and attitudes. This will cause you to eliminate some people who are standing in the way of your breakthrough.
The Holy Ghost has come to bring you joy, peace and deliverance.
I need to ask you a question without you telling on yourself or anyone else. Is there someone you know, a co-worker, friend or family member, who always complains? It doesn’t matter what the subject is or the time of day, all they do is complain. They will always find something wrong. It could be sunny outside, but they will complain it’s too hot. It could be a nice, breezy day in the fall, and they will complain that the wind is blowing too much.
People who complain all of the time are really unhappy people. They are frustrated with the results of their lives, and as a result, they become critical of everyone else around them. They only see life through their dark, gloomy glasses, which obscures their view of situations and people.
The Holy Ghost just revealed to me that He doesn’t want you to become a bitter and angry person, one who is always complaining. I heard God yelling your name from the heavens saying, “Save my child from the lying hands of the enemy!”
Success never comes easy for the complainer, because they cannot see the forest for the trees. God is calling forth abundance in your life and resurrection of everything that was deemed dead. He is speaking life to it today. God wants to break through that complaining spirit that is hindering your walk.
“You are no longer innocent, you are condemned to awareness.”
(Michael Eric Dyson, Scholar and Writer)
There comes a time in everyone’s life when they say, “Enough is enough! I WILL NOT continue down this same path of lost opportunities and dead-end roads. I am tired of watching good opportunities pass me by. I am tired of going around and around in circles, only to end up with nothing. Why is my life like this? Where have I gone wrong? How did I end up in this hell hole?”
you must begin to rid yourself of all negative thoughts, ideas, feelings and attitudes. This will cause you to eliminate some people who are standing in the way of your breakthrough.
The Holy Ghost has come to bring you joy, peace and deliverance.
Do You Trust The Lotto More Than You Trust God!
As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him. (2 Samuel 22:31)
My friend, would you get an attitude if your preacher said, "We want to go on television around the world and we want to send your seed around the world, so come and plant in this harvest?" Would you have said that the preacher asks for too much money? Yet no one complains when their lottery ticket does not win.
People don't become discontent with the state when they lose in the lottery. They don't say that the state is asking for too much money. They don't believe that the lottery is a rip-off. They do not accuse them of being crooks. How do you know how they select the numbers? They could be showing you anything on television!
Some trust the lottery more than the Kingdom!
My friend, there are people who have more trust in the kingdoms of this world, such as the lottery, than in the Kingdom of God. The Father guarantees you a return if you act in obedience. It amazes me as to the number of people who will sow into the lottery. They have more faith in the lottery than in the Kingdom.
A pastor once surveyed his congregation as to how much money they had sown into the lottery that month. Out of that congregation, thousands of dollars were sown into the lottery! Imagine if they would have sown it into the Kingdom of God to contribute to the spreading of the gospel!
Stop trusting the outside world to bring your Heavenly Harvest!
The angels of the Lord have been sent in this season to bring you into a greater awareness in God. If you sow a seed in someone's life looking for favors in return, you will not receive God's blessings. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to know you can't sow for favors. It is better for you to have God's favor than to look for man to favor you!
There’s no lottery in God’s Kingdom… it is a sure thing!
My friend, would you get an attitude if your preacher said, "We want to go on television around the world and we want to send your seed around the world, so come and plant in this harvest?" Would you have said that the preacher asks for too much money? Yet no one complains when their lottery ticket does not win.
People don't become discontent with the state when they lose in the lottery. They don't say that the state is asking for too much money. They don't believe that the lottery is a rip-off. They do not accuse them of being crooks. How do you know how they select the numbers? They could be showing you anything on television!
Some trust the lottery more than the Kingdom!
My friend, there are people who have more trust in the kingdoms of this world, such as the lottery, than in the Kingdom of God. The Father guarantees you a return if you act in obedience. It amazes me as to the number of people who will sow into the lottery. They have more faith in the lottery than in the Kingdom.
A pastor once surveyed his congregation as to how much money they had sown into the lottery that month. Out of that congregation, thousands of dollars were sown into the lottery! Imagine if they would have sown it into the Kingdom of God to contribute to the spreading of the gospel!
Stop trusting the outside world to bring your Heavenly Harvest!
The angels of the Lord have been sent in this season to bring you into a greater awareness in God. If you sow a seed in someone's life looking for favors in return, you will not receive God's blessings. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to know you can't sow for favors. It is better for you to have God's favor than to look for man to favor you!
There’s no lottery in God’s Kingdom… it is a sure thing!
It's Time To Recognize "The Real"
And then He closed the book and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all of them, in the synagogue, were fastened on him. (Luke 4:20)
My friend, did you know that Jesus was a dramatist? Jesus was into drama. He made sure that He was such a presence that the eyes of all that were in the synagogue were focused upon Him and Him alone. He made sure that He had the spotlight on Himself; the Word in Action. He went into the synagogue to create drama on purpose. Luke 4:21-25
Jesus was literally telling them a truth that most people grapple with today: Although there's a prophet in our midst, we often cannot discern who they are. And sometimes God will send His prophets to China or Africa to minister to another community, because their own community has not discerned the gift that is sitting right under their nose!
Sometimes the truth is wrapped up in drama!
My friend, most people cannot discern me, either. They say that they do, but they really don't. If they did, they would run for the opportunity to give under this mantle. They'd be laying houses, lands and fields at my feet. If you really discerned who I am, you'd gladly give me your last just as the widow woman of Zarephath did when Elijah came into her presence. She saw her opportunity for a miracle and seized it.
You have truth sitting right in your faith!
The angels of the Lord have exposed you to true prophecy in this season. Knowing the truth is to enter a dimension of self-realization. This is your season to watch for the signs and to know that your reception of miracles can only be found in your ability to trust and believe the prophet!
It’s time to recognize truth when you see it!
My friend, did you know that Jesus was a dramatist? Jesus was into drama. He made sure that He was such a presence that the eyes of all that were in the synagogue were focused upon Him and Him alone. He made sure that He had the spotlight on Himself; the Word in Action. He went into the synagogue to create drama on purpose. Luke 4:21-25
Jesus was literally telling them a truth that most people grapple with today: Although there's a prophet in our midst, we often cannot discern who they are. And sometimes God will send His prophets to China or Africa to minister to another community, because their own community has not discerned the gift that is sitting right under their nose!
Sometimes the truth is wrapped up in drama!
My friend, most people cannot discern me, either. They say that they do, but they really don't. If they did, they would run for the opportunity to give under this mantle. They'd be laying houses, lands and fields at my feet. If you really discerned who I am, you'd gladly give me your last just as the widow woman of Zarephath did when Elijah came into her presence. She saw her opportunity for a miracle and seized it.
You have truth sitting right in your faith!
The angels of the Lord have exposed you to true prophecy in this season. Knowing the truth is to enter a dimension of self-realization. This is your season to watch for the signs and to know that your reception of miracles can only be found in your ability to trust and believe the prophet!
It’s time to recognize truth when you see it!
It's Your Time To Live In Prosperity!
…For he is a prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and thou shalt live…(Genesis 20:7)
My friend, did you know that on this level of experience, man is simply a sponge and his life has meaning only in what he draws from the world about him. Yet the Bible said, "As a man thinketh, so is he." In other words, all that really counts is what we think about what happens around us and to us. It is here, in the realm of mind, that we are (or can be) masters of ourselves and our worlds.
Of course, man is more than a reactor to outside stimuli. Man is a channel for the expression of the infinite Love of God, a focus of the infinite Life of God, and a creative activity of the infinite Mind of God. Man is not just a reactor, he is an actor, acting out into expression "the imprisoned splendor" within him. Life is for living!
Your life is made to be lived!
My friend, at the limits of life we tend to think of spending our substance, exhausting our ideas, consuming our time, depleting our energy, and relentlessly moving on to age, deterioration, and death. In "the wisdom of the world that is foolishness with God," we have placed the emphasis on caution and conservation and security. Rut life is for living!Life cannot be hoarded, nor can any of the gifts of God be saved up “just in case”. Life is for living, for expressing, for unfolding.
Are you expressing your gifts from God in life?
The angels of the Lord have been sent to expose you to the life that God intended for you to have. This is your season to watch for the signs and to realize that if you are busy expressing who and what you truly are, you will not become anxious or troubled concerning what you have or do not have.
It’s your time to live in prosperity!
My friend, did you know that on this level of experience, man is simply a sponge and his life has meaning only in what he draws from the world about him. Yet the Bible said, "As a man thinketh, so is he." In other words, all that really counts is what we think about what happens around us and to us. It is here, in the realm of mind, that we are (or can be) masters of ourselves and our worlds.
Of course, man is more than a reactor to outside stimuli. Man is a channel for the expression of the infinite Love of God, a focus of the infinite Life of God, and a creative activity of the infinite Mind of God. Man is not just a reactor, he is an actor, acting out into expression "the imprisoned splendor" within him. Life is for living!
Your life is made to be lived!
My friend, at the limits of life we tend to think of spending our substance, exhausting our ideas, consuming our time, depleting our energy, and relentlessly moving on to age, deterioration, and death. In "the wisdom of the world that is foolishness with God," we have placed the emphasis on caution and conservation and security. Rut life is for living!Life cannot be hoarded, nor can any of the gifts of God be saved up “just in case”. Life is for living, for expressing, for unfolding.
Are you expressing your gifts from God in life?
The angels of the Lord have been sent to expose you to the life that God intended for you to have. This is your season to watch for the signs and to realize that if you are busy expressing who and what you truly are, you will not become anxious or troubled concerning what you have or do not have.
It’s your time to live in prosperity!
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