But rather seek ye the kingdom of God ; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Luke 12:31)
Turn your life around! If you cannot be faithful in your money, then how can God trust you with spiritual gifts? How can He trust you with the true riches of the Kingdom? In other words, money has a way of exposing your character; it reveals who you really are. Money does not corrupt you, but it magnifies your true character. If money corrupts you, why hasn’t the enemy overdosed you with it?
Money reveals your true character.
Don’t take chances, if you give a drug addict ten dollars, he will buy drugs. If you give him one thousand dollars, he will buy more drugs. If you give him a million dollars, he will still buy drugs. If you give a gambler ten, or a thousand or a million dollars, he will continue gambling.
Here’s a better solution, if you give a man or woman of God (someone who minds the Kingdom) ten dollars, they will sow it so that they can grow it back into the Kingdom. They will do the same thing with one thousand or a million dollars. Again, money enhances who you already are in regard to your character. You may think that someone came into a large sum of money and then turned evil, but they were already evil in their heart.
Money won’t corrupt you but it will magnify you!
I’d like to call your attention to why some people did not come into wealth a long time ago. There were even some things that God had to first work on the inside of me before He allowed me to come into financial blessings. Not everyone can handle money or power.
We’re about to change all that, God has sent you angels that are watching you daily. They are watching to see if you are faithful in that which is someone else’s. Your faithfulness with that which is someone else’s will determine whether you will come into your own. This is your season to watch for the signs; this is your season to communicate with your angels daily; this is your season to know whether or not money is magnifying the “right kind” of you
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