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Thursday, March 11, 2010

If You Don't Like The Place Where You Are Living, Change Your Address!

“Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee.” (Genesis 12:1)

You are in a season of change. Everything must change. Nothing can stay the same. This is the season for radical change in the Spirit, to do things drastically different so that your path leads to prosperity.

I can hear the Spirit of the Lord speaking through the clouds of your yesterday saying, “I have deposited great treasures inside of you - treasures that have been hidden; treasures that have not yet been revealed; treasures that will launch you into your destiny. However, to discover these treasures, you must do things differently! Seek My face like never before. For when you truly seek Me and find Me, you will find YOURSELF.”

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy…” (John 10:10)

Let me warn you, the enemy will fight you tooth and nail, because he doesn’t want you to change. The enemy wants you to remain the same, stuck in a perpetual state of confusion and complacency. Even when God spoke to you about moving in the past, fear tackled your emotions and paralyzed you.

But when change comes, things change! Let me say that again - when change comes, things change! God will always give us signals that point to change - signals that may not necessarily be obvious or pleasant, but nonetheless, we must recognize the signals and prepare ourselves for change.

If you do not understand the signals in your life, danger could lie ahead

We are living in a world that forces us to adapt to change. When the prophetic word comes into your life, it will always force you to deal with change. Change is NEVER an easy process, yet we face change everyday. God will always put a burning bush in your path to signal that change is on the way - job loss, death, sickness, disease, divorce - but no matter what the signal, unless you yield to the winds of change, you will NEVER reach your God-given, divine destiny.

When you see ONLY God, you crowd all negativity out of the picture.

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