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Friday, March 12, 2010

It's Time To Recognize "The Real"

And then He closed the book and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all of them, in the synagogue, were fastened on him. (Luke 4:20)

My friend, did you know that Jesus was a dramatist? Jesus was into drama. He made sure that He was such a presence that the eyes of all that were in the synagogue were focused upon Him and Him alone. He made sure that He had the spotlight on Himself; the Word in Action. He went into the synagogue to create drama on purpose. Luke 4:21-25

Jesus was literally telling them a truth that most people grapple with today: Although there's a prophet in our midst, we often cannot discern who they are. And sometimes God will send His prophets to China or Africa to minister to another community, because their own community has not discerned the gift that is sitting right under their nose!

Sometimes the truth is wrapped up in drama!

My friend, most people cannot discern me, either. They say that they do, but they really don't. If they did, they would run for the opportunity to give under this mantle. They'd be laying houses, lands and fields at my feet. If you really discerned who I am, you'd gladly give me your last just as the widow woman of Zarephath did when Elijah came into her presence. She saw her opportunity for a miracle and seized it.

You have truth sitting right in your faith!

The angels of the Lord have exposed you to true prophecy in this season. Knowing the truth is to enter a dimension of self-realization. This is your season to watch for the signs and to know that your reception of miracles can only be found in your ability to trust and believe the prophet!

It’s time to recognize truth when you see it!

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