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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tap Into The Excellence Principle!

“O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!” (Psalm 8:9)

God has been sharing with me that you want to end your struggle on slave wages and start living on daily bread. You are tired of the handouts. You now want a hand-up. God is putting a demand on your life to demonstrate excellence in this season. What you do during your down-time will make all the difference in receiving your financial reward.

Procrastination is the dream killer to all ambitions and desires. Wealthy people take care of the little things that can stand in the way of their success. You must do everything in your power to resist the spirit of procrastination that will rob you of your wealth and cause you to live beneath your means. This is not the spirit of excellence by which God wants you to live.

I know how clever and deceitful the enemy can be at times. He will use something as simple as your being tired after working all day to convince you that you don’t have the energy to do anything else. He will bring up embarrassing situations hoping that you would hide yourself and fail to go after your abundance of wealth.

But I hear God saying, “This is not the time for you to be passive in your approach to achieving the things you desire.” This is your season to take back everything the enemy has stolen from you. It is time for you to walk towards your destiny with your head held high and activate the prosperity anointing that is on your life.


The Holy Spirit is pushing you to a more excellent way of doing things. Time-out for doing things lackadaisically! Everything that you do in this season must be of an excellent spirit. There are multiple resources at your fingertips waiting for you to activate them.

I am moved by the Holy Spirit to stand in the GAP for you. This is NOT the time for you to be unprepared. This is NOT the time for you to be running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Your moment has arrived. Now is the time to seize the opportunities that are staring you in the face.

You are a leader and a high achiever. I hear the Holy Ghost saying, “Where you are right now is good for some people, but DO NOT settle for good when better is available.” It is during this season that God is going to stretch your mind and open your eyes to endless possibilities.

God wants you to enjoy life and live it to the fullest. Make today the first day of your journey towards wealth and happiness. Rebuke every thought that will try and trick you to go backward. Tell those thoughts, “This is my season of excellence. I am moving off of slave wages and onto daily bread.”

Remember, your commitment to the task will determine your final reward.

It is vital that you break the chains of limitation in your life forever. When you become too finite in your approach to achieving greatness, you become locked into the present level of expectation that exists within your own mind and, as a result, you inadvertently stifle your ability to dream.

I want to see you wealthy! God wants you to become successful and wealthy!

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