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Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Do People Say That You Are?

“When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying,
Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” (Matthew 16:13)

Jesus asked this great question to His apostles, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" The disciples answered, "Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." Jesus then persisted to ask, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

The fame of Jesus had spread far and wide. Everyone knew of His miracles and heard His teachings, and the word spread from village to village, "Have you heard about this man named Jesus?"

What happened next would change the course of history. Jesus knew what He was about to face. His knew His time was limited, and therefore, His strategy had to change. He had to form a new sect of people to continue the work after He was gone. But before He could do that, He had to know how the people in His inner circle perceived Him. He had to expose their hearts and discern their motives. Were they with Him? Did they know who He really was?

If you asked the same question to your peers, whether they are family, friends or even those who labor among you, who would they say you are? Will what you hear surprise you, disappoint you, or confirm in your spirit who men are supposed to say that you are?

I know what their answers would be. I sense that you are in a critical turning point in your life, just like Jesus was in Matthew 16. I hear God saying, this season of your life has been very challenging and you have been struggling to identify who you are. The people in your inner circle have conflicting opinions of who you really are. Believe it or not, some people in your inner circle do not believe who God says you are.

I am here to declare to you that the only reason why you are facing opposition at this time in your life is because you are about to walk into a blessing that will change your course of history! By the time the Holy Spirit is finished revealing Himself to you and through you, men shall call you blessed, highly favored and a true depiction of the living God.

The Spirit told me that once you take the step of faith that the apostle Peter took when he stepped out of the boat into the water, God will cause a prophetic “cloud of favor” to become saturated with the rain of miraculous change that will shower you with unusual favor and blessings.

Jesus understood the value of having people around Him who could articulate His vision and walk in faith. The Holy Spirit shared with me that He is strengthening your inner circle and blowing a fresh wind of opportunity into your life. You are no longer a benchwarmer, sitting on the bench. God is saying it is time for you get into the game so that the world can finally KNOW who you are.

The person who embraces change will pay a high price for it.

Look at the compensation Jesus received when he was held captive by Pilate and crucified - HE ROSE AGAIN INTO DIVINITY! Don’t let your current circumstances fool you into thinking that there is no change in sight!

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