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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Have You Identified Your Wealth Winning Power?

For he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways Psalm 91

Who says you can’t win them all? Positive thoughts are angels. They are messengers from God, sent to deliver blessings of plenty to you. In the same way, negative thoughts are fallen angels. They drain your energy and stop your progress. Get those prosaic images of winged beings interceding in your life out of your mind. That is the stuff of bumper stickers and souvenir stores. Angels exist in your mind and have far more power.

But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealt: Deuteronomy : 8:18

Your angels have been given charge over you!

Did you know that the angels of your consciousness determine the face you show to the world? The consciousness you maintain will affect how you look, speak and act on the material plane and that will affect how others perceive you. Your angels have been given charge over you, and the kinds of angels you entertain will shape the attitude you wear, the words you speak and the perceptions others hold of you. How you speak to the world will determine the kinds of spirits you subject yourself to.

Go inside yourself and change!

You already have what it takes to win. So cross the threshold so you can see that it is vital to develop an awareness of how the angels you entertaining are shaping and molding your subconscious. It is your subconscious that manifests as your speech, your attitude, and your sense of purpose and mission. If you want to achieve your desires, you must allow your power as God to come forth and influence the material world from the place of your Spirit. In order for that to happen in a way that serves you, you must become a positive, holy vessel for that power. You must know the consciousness that is imprinted on your face and if it is not what you want, be able to go inside yourself and change it. I am your Master Prophet your most trusted name in prophecy.

Say goodbye to want!

Are you ready for a miracle? Are you ready for supernatural, inexplicable occurrences to take place in your life? Say goodbye to heartache! Say goodbye to pain! Say goodbye to lack! Say goodbye to disappointment! Say goodbye to fear! Say goodbye to want! AND WAVE GOODBYE TO POVERTY, ONCE AND FOR ALL

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