Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our LORD: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)
My friend, did you know that the word celebrate means to honor. It does not imply dealing with something that is done, as from the outside. Rather it is giving a very special blessing to something. In the true spirit of celebration, you are not just a loud-laughing spectator. You are an involved participant. You become a conscious channel for Divinity to flow.
n a consciousness of thanksgiving and celebration, you can look around you and bless your family, friends and co-workers as you move along the journey of life. As you make your way to and from work, if you can bless the sunshine or the clouds, the trees and grass and flowers, the people you come into contact with, then you are truly rich. Without a sense of celebration and thanksgiving, you are poor no matter what your net worth may be.
Where’s your sense of celebration?
My friend, how many times do you find yourself pouring out your heart in concern over changing circumstances in your life? How many times have you caught yourself or someone saying, "I have nothing to live for, nothing to look forward to?" How common is this attitude of fear? It is the fear of being in a position of having nothing to celebrate. The answer? To be thankful always because when you are thankful, you are celebrating that which God is already doing for you.
Do not succumb to the attitude of fear!
Take time to be still and listen to the beat of your heart and feel the throb of your pulse. Divinity is celebrating itself in you as an instrument of life. It is singing itself into your soul, saying, "You are alive, you are whole, and you are being healed and renewed in a constant rhapsody of life!"
Celebrate God’s goodness!
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