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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Who Do You Trust?

"I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake… (Genesis 8:21)

Tired of empty promises! The Bible has never advised you to trust man. The arms of flesh will fail you. When you become offended by what another individual has done, admit that you were looking for that individual to fulfill a need that only God can supply. Your trust is to only be in God. If you want to get disappointed quickly, start trusting man. You must lean on the Everlasting Arms.

Why trust another besides the Lord?

Mark Twain said, “If you help a dog to become prosperous that is starving, he won’t bite you. But, if you help a man in the same condition, he will. That is the difference between a dog and a man.” The individual that you reach down and help the most is the individual who will turn on you the quickest.

Food for thought, the individual that you seemingly do the least for will be the individual who will remain and endure until the end. If you don’t learn some things through the word of God, then experience will teach them to you. What the Word does not teach you, life will.

Just who do you TRUST?

Fortunately, as long as there is a planet, the Law of Seedtime and Harvest will remain. The Law of Seedtime and Harvest means that we can see and know that there is a dependability of seasons. This is a God-given guarantee. When we sow seeds in the proper seasons, we will always reap a harvest. It is a matter of trusting God that He will bring you the harvest.

One thing is for sure, if you cannot see prosperity by faith, then you will not be prosperous. You must realize that the harvest must first be conceived before it can be received. This is your season to understand that the harvest does not always come by walking outside the door and just finding it.

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